I recommend a nice memory foam pad...still makes a satisfying thud and you get that shock you need to reset your derrrrr..... impulse, but doesn’t damage the furniture.

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I know that, and you know that, but for some reason my dad is refusing to understand that. 🤦‍♂️😱

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"This is one of those stories where virtually every new paragraph left us saying 'Oh, for fuck's sake.'"

There are so many of those stories these days.

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To be clear, I am not a lawyer. The blonde in my post is, apparently a lawyer, and that’s not my picture.

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His fellow shit heels seem to agree, and love his humorous takes on issues of race.

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Under Donald Trump this whole thing has become a fiasco. Huffington Post reports that now the TSA is being blamed (from inside) for being a major contributor to the spread of the disease as well. The whole federal government was ground to a halt because any proper response at all was deliberately smashed because djt (lower case only for his a*hole prez) didn't like emergency personnel sitting around for nothing.

Try that with the fire department and see what happens. All this to say that djt is an unmitigated failure and who has been visited on us by evangelical devils and science ignorant knuckle draggers. Where is Moses when we really need him?....Ah.....there is another.....Biden. VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

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If there was a god in heaven fuckshit should have been struck by lightning for constantly claiming he's done more than any president.Fuck, he should have been struck when he promised to defend the constitution.I'm so fucking sick and tired of this shit.

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And the OK Supreme court just denied the request to be able to enforce safety requirements at the rally

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I was about to say that exact same thing. I hate these fuckers

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FUCKWay to go Navy. You could be promoted to a spineless cabinet position

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I thought all those assholes were screaming about getting back to work? They've been in line since Tuesday?? The fucking KKK rally is tomorrow night!!JFC I need this nightmare to be over

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Knowing this administration, they'd probably be ZUPLUCK brand bags that are made out of paper towels or something.

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What happens when you put a bankrupt businessman in charge of anything.

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That blows. Mr. Virginia's dad who fought the pre-anime Japanese in WW II must be troubled in his eternal rest. A lot of spiritual unrest is going on, hypothetically of course.

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Well, she does have very lawyerly teeth. What more do you need?

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That may be what occupies historians in the future. Not the tax cut, not the pandemic, but the endless ocean of corruption.

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