It's actually even more fascist than fascism. Just like calling out racism is the real racism.

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Doocy: Checkmate, atheists!!!

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I stopped before I got to the exclamation marks.

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Who is Jen Psaki's dad? I don't know and I bet most people don't know either. When you're talented and hard-working, maybe who your dad is doesn't matter.

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They're trying a Fox News type station with GB News. It immediately haemorrhaged advertisers and lead to this shitshow.


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oh Wonket! XD

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"How come every other reporter here got the secret list and I didn't?"

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Psaki to Doocey "Citations, please!".

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After all, we all saw what happened when Rene Russo wore green bikini bottoms in "The Thomas Crown Affair".

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The mob seemed less well behaved today.

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Thank you so much for your very informative and thorough response and some directions I can go to get further information.

It's frustrating for sure, and just seems bizarre to me that things like not having 600K Americans dead isn't suitably of "compelling state interest," or *not* having a Rwanda-style massacre (which the dehumanizing rhetoric coming out of these right-wing outlets could definitely incite) isn't suitably of "compelling state interest."

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what happened in the Reagan era to muddle this up, but I understand prior to that, there were higher standards in broadcast journalism regarding fact-checking and not just spouting off misinformation and lies. I know the Fairness Doctrine was part of that, but only applied to the public airwaves (so wouldn't even apply to places like Fox or other cable outlets).

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And I guess that's the kicker. So much of the Constitution presupposes an educated, moral group of people, and if we have a critical mass of willfully-ignorant dolts running rampant (as we do with Trumpers), you don't have a citizenry who can discern lies from truth because they either don't have the education to do so, or simply are not intelligent enough to do so. :(

If you've ever tried to engage in informed, rational, reasoned debate with a Trumper, it's not happening. They either will not or cannot engage in such debate without either lying or lapsing into any number of logical fallacies.

And I'm talking more things that are *blatant* misinformation. Like claiming vaccines are "killing tons of people" (they aren't, and that is demonstrably proven), or that the election was fraudulent (again, something that is demonstrably untrue.

I think for things like that, we need the will like Germany has to make illegal any Holocaust denial. The downside risk of letting these lies stew among an ignorant and uneducated populace is too great. :(

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That's what I believe, too, and I'm not sure where in our history we decided it was OK for lies to be spouted to the extent they are being spouted now. But some non-commenters above have helpfully filled in some of the history and issues.

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Doocey actually helps the cause with his dumbness. He throws these stupid questions out there that many of fox news followers also believe and it gives sane people a chance to debunk it.

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If I’ve tracked our resident kill-joy’s points correctly, I think she is also supposed to have solved climate change all by herself, fired Pete Buttigieg, and…I dunno, locked up Hillary, probably.

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This. "If you have the data to back it up, I'll be happy to discuss it." {swoon}

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