Ta, Evan. Missed it; working.

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Slate: Keeping Up With the Trump Trials: So Those Delay Tactics Really Worked, Huh?

The former president no longer has a single trial date on the calendar for any of the criminal cases he faces. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/trump-trial-delayed-no-dates-on-calendar.html?pay=1710788658196&support_journalism=please

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VICTORY! Hamas #3 was killed! Cripes, we've never heard of this before!

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I remember years of senior "al-Qaeda" #s getting "taken off the battlefield" and yet the group still managed to wreak havoc, perhaps there are more than a few Hamas leaders too?

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It seem that for every terrorist killed three more rise up to vindicate their name.

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That's the problem with a war against a tactic, if you don't address the roots of a conflict honestly then there's no chance of ending a conflict by military means, unless killing every believer in one version of the conflict's roots is a path you want to go down. (Spoiler: You do not)

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Brutally accurate.

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Hail Hydra.....

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deletedMar 18
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But that doesn't look cool on Social Media!

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This is how we shaped Iraq and Afghanistan into what they are today.

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We really need to MYOB.

American capitalism is responsible for too much spilled blood, too much of it entirely innocent.

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deletedMar 18·edited Mar 18
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As long as by “common crook” you mean “corrupt, murderous, piece of shit”.

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And there's Douche sitting in the first row, second from the left as per a back of the room perspective.

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A classic example of somebody completely lacking in shame genes.

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"Trump’s own vice president won’t endorse him because he is a danger to democracy. And—hand to God—the New York Times managed to report it as “Pence won’t endorse Biden.”"

Because of course they did. Geez.

[Mike Pence Should Be the Biggest Story of the 2024 Campaign –https://plus.thebulwark.com/p/mike-pence-will-not-endorse-trump]

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Christ on a cracker, NYTimes manages to sink lower and lower.

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Yep I posted that headline the day it happened. Ridiculous. Plus it was the 12th story listed in small print on the page. Can you imagine the headline and placement if Harris or Obama refused to endorse Biden?

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The NYT is to journalism what the McConnell SCOTUS is to jurisprudence.

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That's harsh. /s

I wonder how Yertle'll treated in future history books. No I don't. Moscow Mitch and his tantrum when the nickname went viral is enough.

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As usual, it all depends on who writes future history books.

Now would be a good time to prevent the wrong team from writing future history books America, vote as if everything good depended on it.

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“What is President Biden going to do to prevent the bloodbath crisis?” —Peter Doocy

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FIRE SALE! trump's gonna get pennies on the dollar. After decades of being the asshole the fuzzy end of the stick has finally come for him. His humiliation is complete.


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If Trump loses, as we will all fervently do everything we can to ensure that outcome, do the GOP think they will release control of the RNC. Because I sincerely doubt it.

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If it wasn’t for the criminal investigations he might be better off losing. Can’t campaign if you aren’t running again.

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If the PAB is still breathing in 2028, he'll try again.

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If Trump loses :

The only candidate for 2028- Donald Trump

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NYT pitchbot - is Biden Economy to blame for Trumps shortfall?

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MSNBC: USA Today poll showing Biden's high disapproval rating. Chryon: Biden Angry and Upset about election day chances. Followed by fund raising numbers from the Democrats compared to Republicans showing Democrats with a huge advantage. Do they see the problem with the USA Today poll yet?

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Is OHJB setting too high a standard for Pabs to meet in a second term?

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A bar on the ground is too high of a hurdle for DOLT45.

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If you took the machine that dug the “Chunnel”pointed it straight down, turned it on and left it on for a decade or so…

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1) Lara Trump’s RNC ditches early and mail-in voting. This should go well

2) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/15/2229326/-Lara-Trump-s-RNC-ditches-early-and-mail-in-voting-This-should-go-well?detail=emaildkre&pm_source=DKRE&pm_medium=email

3) Rather than acknowledge and address the fact that Republicans’ rejection of early and mail-in voting is a substantial reason their candidates keep losing, the new RNC has instead elected to double down in its meritless attempt to demonize those processes through legal challenges, essentially following the same playbook they followed in 2020 and 2022

1+ 2 + 3 = RIGGGGEDDDD!!!11!!1!11!

Count on it.

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That's the whole point. By ditching mail in voting and making their base suspicious of it they are already laying the groundwork for Trump's eleventy hundred baseless post-election lawsuits.

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Thus negating one of the Deposed Despot's primary voter blocs; retired, elderly and/or disabled Rethuglicons.

Rethuglicons remain masochistically myopic in that regard.

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No notes Laura. Great job so far.

Even some Republicans realized allowing their voters to vote early is “not stupid”

I guess they all just lost their jobs recently

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They're so eager to toss red meat at the MAGAt hordes that they can't foresee the consequences of said meat throwing on their own electoral prospects.

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Unless the plan is to alter the digital voting machines. I still have a theory that they don’t want mail in voting because it’s harder to cheat. On the other hand it hasn’t worked out for them so far but I don’t trust anything they do.

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This is not going to begin shortly.

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I hope the press secretary laughs about Trump not making bond.

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He needs to be bound.

And gagged.

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Walk in to the Bond theme. Casually drop the word 'bond' into answers.

"My word is my bond..."

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I like, much.

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"The name is Bond. Can't Bond."

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[profound nod of regard]

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And I prefer my Diet Coke shaken, shaken hard.

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You must need a lot of napkins.

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The bubbles in the soda help take the ketchup stains off of the walls.

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Excellent for cleaning my monitors. This happens more often than you might suspect.

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I don't think Lara is going to come with $450 million out of the RNC.

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I know I am. There goes that whole billionaire thingy.

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ONE of the dipshits in the gallery will inevitably ask the question of Karine, and she will, as always, decline to answer it because it's "campaign" shit, not "governance" shit.

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low energy. sad.

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He fails to measure up, again.

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Why break a streak now?

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Broke ain't woke, right Pabs?

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Under the category of let them fight;

<blockquote>If you’re looking for an encapsulation of just how much of a mess the House Republican conference is, go no further than this headline from The Washington Post on Friday: “A majority of House Republicans retreat from their retreat.” It seems the one thing the majority of them can agree on is just how much they don’t want to have to deal with each other.</blockquote>


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No one wanted to pair with Gym in the three-legged race.

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Stefanik in charge of the retreat is my favorite bit, I think.

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That alone would indeed compel me to retreat the opposite direction.

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cue nope badger dot gif

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Meet the press? More like press the meat, amirite!?

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It should be renamed "Step On Your Meat." But nobody will take my advice on such things.

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If some Rethug named "Mike" is on, yes, it's all about stepping on your meat.

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Which in many such cases is a real remarkable feat.

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