Ta, Evan. Missed it; working.

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Slate: Keeping Up With the Trump Trials: So Those Delay Tactics Really Worked, Huh?

The former president no longer has a single trial date on the calendar for any of the criminal cases he faces. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/trump-trial-delayed-no-dates-on-calendar.html?pay=1710788658196&support_journalism=please

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VICTORY! Hamas #3 was killed! Cripes, we've never heard of this before!

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And there's Douche sitting in the first row, second from the left as per a back of the room perspective.

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"Trump’s own vice president won’t endorse him because he is a danger to democracy. And—hand to God—the New York Times managed to report it as “Pence won’t endorse Biden.”"

Because of course they did. Geez.

[Mike Pence Should Be the Biggest Story of the 2024 Campaign –https://plus.thebulwark.com/p/mike-pence-will-not-endorse-trump]

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“What is President Biden going to do to prevent the bloodbath crisis?” —Peter Doocy

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FIRE SALE! trump's gonna get pennies on the dollar. After decades of being the asshole the fuzzy end of the stick has finally come for him. His humiliation is complete.


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If Trump loses, as we will all fervently do everything we can to ensure that outcome, do the GOP think they will release control of the RNC. Because I sincerely doubt it.

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NYT pitchbot - is Biden Economy to blame for Trumps shortfall?

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1) Lara Trump’s RNC ditches early and mail-in voting. This should go well

2) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/15/2229326/-Lara-Trump-s-RNC-ditches-early-and-mail-in-voting-This-should-go-well?detail=emaildkre&pm_source=DKRE&pm_medium=email

3) Rather than acknowledge and address the fact that Republicans’ rejection of early and mail-in voting is a substantial reason their candidates keep losing, the new RNC has instead elected to double down in its meritless attempt to demonize those processes through legal challenges, essentially following the same playbook they followed in 2020 and 2022

1+ 2 + 3 = RIGGGGEDDDD!!!11!!1!11!

Count on it.

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This is not going to begin shortly.

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I hope the press secretary laughs about Trump not making bond.

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Broke ain't woke, right Pabs?

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Under the category of let them fight;

<blockquote>If you’re looking for an encapsulation of just how much of a mess the House Republican conference is, go no further than this headline from The Washington Post on Friday: “A majority of House Republicans retreat from their retreat.” It seems the one thing the majority of them can agree on is just how much they don’t want to have to deal with each other.</blockquote>


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Meet the press? More like press the meat, amirite!?

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