Ask Jeeves! Damn it.

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Two reasons I want nothing to do with PayPal (even though neither are still involved).

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I also don't like Ebay because of that dolt Meg Whitman.

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I only used it once because there was something I needed and that was the only way to get it.

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Wrong network - that's CNN who continually run those crappy docs that Tom Hanks shovels out like so much excrement.

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To bad Twitter can't tweak itself out of existence.

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Yes, cause they only practice black magic.

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There can be two!

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I just "put my dad in a home" (also mom) a couple of weeks ago.

It is much, much harder than it sounds. And my parents are in full-on dementia, and have been in the ER a few times every month with medication errors or falls for the last year.

At least six different doctors have told them they need to be there. Dad wants another opinion.

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Seems like his relative fame if any was he was some kind of Goldman Sachs hedge fund guy. It did seem like I'd seen him before he became WH Communications director, but I think it was when he was on the Trump campaign. Trump just blabbering nonsense, really. Of course, Kellyanne worked for Ted Cruz...

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Ohai, Dean Baquet! Was very surprised to learn that your newsroom had been laser-focused on one thing alone - Russian collusion - and that you did it 'truly well'. We were alive back then, and all we can recall seeing slathered all over your birdcage liner were 'butter emails!' and a little headline, just before the 2016 election: Rusher? Pfffft! Move along - nothing to see here. Putz.

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Granted, the people who wrote the Constitution would have been out to get him had they known him.

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If God keeps saying all that nutty stuff perhaps a mental evaluation is in order. Delusions of grandeur, for sure.

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https://youtu.be/qrOObczCkE4 An quick summary of Trump's tweets for these who are in an hurry.

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Much tweet. Bigly Presidential.

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Or The Googles?

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