Affirmative action for short, white dudes?

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Funniest thing I read this morning -- Hannity said they have to ask Mueller at what point did he know there was no collusion.

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"Is Donald Trump a literal actual foreign intelligence asset for the Kremlin, witting or unwitting?"

Clue: Whatever he is, intelligence has naught to do with it.

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Yeah, he will not answer any hypothetical questions. His whole original conclusion is that he doesn't answer those questions. He might flat-out say he believes it's up to Congress, but to do what, he can't say.

The guy's integrity and commitment to procedure has been the biggest road block so far, and will continue to be.

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It's the apolitical thing again. He'll follow the rules, but he won't do favors.

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It's cow pies all the way down.

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"But nobody loves him that way, so he's probably raging through the White House residence right this second. Naked."


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"Terminated the emails! He terminated them!"To the horizon, the plain is littered with their corpses.

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Pass that over here if there's any left, please.

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Yes, I watched it yesterday. I thought it was really good. Hopefully it will reach a ton of people.

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I'd go with "how many times were you pressured to end your investigation and by whom."

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I haven't read the whole report, but did skin through about half of it. Maybe someone who has read it can tell me if there is anything about the mysterious almost daily communications between servers in a Russian bank, the basement of Trump Tower, and an insurance company owned by the DeVos family during the campaign. That seems like a huge red flag. That seems to have completely dropped off the radar.

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I'm about 5 hours south of Charleston...Blue Ridge of NC. but we can sing and drink and watch the hearings and sing and drink anyway!

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I LOVE that cartoon!!!

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"Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners," - what is that nonsense about?

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