Somehow his "moustache rides" T-shirt doesn't sound naughty ... more like coach class on USAir.

After 9/11, America got to attack any two Islamic nations in the world. Afghanistan + Saudi Arabia, Egypt + Iraq, Pakistan + lower Manhattan. Pretty sure Bolton is saying Bush shoulda taken care of bidness in Iran instead of resolving his Oedipal issues in Iraq.

The "funny" thing is that a gas tax -- to balance the budget, help environment, reduce demand for offshore drilling, reduce imports and money flowing to countries that hate us -- would be regarded as treason by Repubicans. But a war with Iran, which would easily double gas prices at the pump, is some kind of moral imperative.

I guess "killing jobs" is bad, but "killing muslins" is good.

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He is insane. All the neocons are f-ing amoral, insane sociopaths. They can in a reasonably normal way in polite society, but are depraved monsters whose sickness shows up when questions of murder and war come up. Did they also torture small animals as childern?

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wikipedia sez: "Though Bolton supported the Vietnam War, he [Bolton] enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard, but did not serve in Vietnam. " What is with these Repubicans who love war but never saw it? (Though I give Bolton credit for enlisting in something -- he probably even showed up.)

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Bombing to Bolton is like eating peanuts: he couldn't stop at Iran. Then he would bomb Syria, Libya, and France.

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