Seeing the pic up top, I imagine many failed at getting the sleazekers as they could not figure out how to put a box around ''Trump'' on the interwebs.

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Well, at least Ivanka was poised. I feel so much better.

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Should this man ever be president of anything, especially the United States? "In the true sense, no."

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The shoes gonna save him.

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Selling ugly shoes now to keep the grift train chugging along. And did you see his pathetic reaction to Navalny’s cruel death? Very on-brand for the narcissist. Navalny risked his liberty and life trying to inspire hope and change in his country, hope for a free and democratic Russia. He gave his life for that dream. He even returned to Russia after his 2020 poisoning by Putin’s thugs, knowing he’d be arrested and jailed, for life. That’s courage. That’s the profoundly rare heart of a hero, like MLK before him, who demanded liberty for all and dared the evil people who hate democracy to stop him. Trump knows nothing about any of that. Yet, he had the shriveled faux gold balls to compare himself to Navalny, tweeting that Navalny’s death made him reflect on his own imagined persecution, and on when Joe Biden would send him to the Arctic Circle. Very dramatic, and utterly pathetic.

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'That fake-news Jesus needs to get down off that cross. A lot of people think that he was never treated so unfairly as me. Big men, strong men, crucified men with tears in their eyes came up to me and told me that what they had to endure was nothing compared to what I have been through'

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He's going to be a busy man on Dictator for a Day Day. Fire all those prosecutors and cancel the trials, invoke the Insurrection Act, federalize the state militias, and round up a million immigrants into cattle cars, and figure out how to grift of the US to pay him back all these lawyer fees and judgments. Which he totally deserves, right?. Also, the retributions. Seal Team 6 will have a busy day, indeed..

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Oh wow. OMG. I see it all now. Thanks for the bump, Liz!

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I want to know about NY and federal tax evasion aspects of this. Also why loan-giving parties aren't coming for their damages. (I understand this is adjacent to a Trump defense narrative, that loans were fine with the loan givers, but I'm still curious why they aren't suing for damages.)

Quick googling is not giving any coherent overview, nothing of the caliber of Liz' splainers anyway.

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I purposely saved this article until end of day because I knew I would enjoy it immensely. So help me dog, I did!

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So many tasty parts, right

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“Professor” Bartov charges $1350 per hour as an expert witness. Ok. Many doctors and legit experts do charge more than $1,000 per hour for testimony. But they typically have a few hours of prep, doc review and then maybe a day of trial. Even gratuitous billing would be maybe 10 hours of prep to review Trump’s docs. Let’s double it. Heck, let’s give him an entire week to do nothing but review financial statements full time. 40 hours, plus maybe 8-10 hours for a day in court. 50 hours is a shitload, at $1350. $67,500 for one client. That’s bonkers. But he’s charged more than 10x that. 650 hours??? That’s 4 hours a week for THREE YEARS. (I gave him 2 weeks off each year for holidays). Every single person in Trump’s orbit is on the take. $877,000 to testify about some financials is called “fraud,” so I suppose that’s fitting.

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I guess we can assume he actually got paid because he actually testified........money up front boys......ask his attorney Kise. When that $3m retainer runs out, so will Kise. This is what happens when you hire a competent attorney. 'no ticket, no wash'.......

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MBoneSaw will probably pay. Putin or Elon might?

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Elon makes sense. Hadn’t thought of that. But it’s probably in the cards. After all, doesn’t Musk expect $55 BILLION in compensation from Tesla? What’s $500 million to him? He’d see the payment as a sound investment. He’d cement his place in MAGA history, and hold up the payment as a “win” for the wrongfully persecuted. Someone will step up and offer to pay for ol’ swampy.

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I just read Elon turned him down!

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And that ends up being potentially a YOOOGE security risk

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Great job Liz, better than and compliments Meidas Touch.

Just tell these magettes: Read The Decision.

Haha. .

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A great article. Thanks, Liz!

By the way, I think an appropriate reaction would be, "The nerve of those people!"

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Ta, Liz!

On the subject of TFG’s expert witnesses, the prosecutor apparently referred to them in closing arguments as a “murderers’ row.” TFG’s attorney, Chris Kise, strenuously objected (see how well that worked for Demi Moore’s character in “A Few Good Men,” LOL), claiming the characterization impugned the experts. Judge Engoron was nonplussed, suggesting the prosecutor was being hyperbolic. He then asked the prosecutor whether he meant to suggest that TFG’s team of experts were actual murderers.

To which the prosecutor responded: “No, your Honor, I meant to suggest they were the 1927 Yankees.” Courtroom erupted in laughter.

Never bring a Florida attorney like Kise to an NYC courtroom fight. 😂


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I remember an episode of Law & Order (back in the 90s) where some Hollywood asshole was on trial for murder. He brought in a flashy Los Angeles lawyer to defend him, and Jack McCoy mopped the courtroom floor, the hallway, and the courthouse steps with him.

Because your comment reminded me of that.

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I have to say that even with the West Coast setting, that asshole reminded me of a certain NYC one.

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Excellent comparison!

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That's hilarious!

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I saw last week where someone who was a mortgage broker for 10 years and a Realtor for 20 years claimed that they didn't know what a Brokers Price Opinion is, and that appraisals don't indicate market value. Yes, that person is a PAB supporter.

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TL/DR: Pumpkin Man is good and thoroughly f@cked

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