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She's still got her space helmet on!

Oh, that's her hair.

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You could go with the rather unnecessarily polite ficken Sie sich, or you could emulate a kid in my German class who used to say to people "du bist dick...and I'm speaking English."

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For fucks sakes, why is this cheating, overweight idiot still a thing? If all these "patriotic" Republicans had the big cojones, that a very asthmatic Ernesto Guevara had, they would have all volunteered for the Vietnam war. They are all a bunch of cowards.

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When we are perplexed as to "what happened to the Republican Party," jesusfuckingchrist, look at characters like Newt, who was the goddamned House Majority Leader.

At least he wasn't a high school wrestling coach, just a serial adulterer.

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Should we ship Trump with the vampires, or the little girls?

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Good grief, Newt, go back to the zoo.

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"See us at Auschwitz? Look, we're wearing black so we're appropriate as all fuck. Here, take a glamour shot of us smiling at the gate where thousands went to their deaths! Cool picture, huh?"

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Dracula vs. Trump!

Spoiler: Dracula wins. Easily.

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Teeny tiny flat feet.

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Those are pretty goo- wait, grandma?

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Clinton/Ayers '16

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Word. Also, too, Obama is radical-left and anti-American? At best, that passe as fuck, but I guess that's what you get from the party whose slogan is "Out with the Old, In with the Older."

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I wonder sometimes if anyone really wins when it comes to war. I can already hear someone saying how the US won WWII, but I'm not so sure, considering how we flung ourselves right into the Cold War and all the funtimes that meant. We came out pretty good there if you're willing to ignore the wars in the Middle East and nuclear proliferation.

Oh yeah, and fuck Saint Reagan and all his devotees who can't even recall his history right.

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Hey, uh, Sean. And you, too, Newt:I am the President

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She had the foulest mouth you can imagine; and I say that as the son of a Sailor, step-son of a Marine, and grandson of a steel worker (my other grandpa was a farmer, they aren't known for cussing)

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