Indistinguishable from Bin Laden

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*As Twitter verification no longer means anything, we cannot say for sure that any particular tweet comes from any particular personWay to go, Elon. Definitely improving the bird site...

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Texas Justice is even worse than good ole American Justice.

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TBF, “small government” could be just Abbott, and he’d be OK with that. Get rid of all those pesky civil servants and bureaucrats and DAs and PDs…Abbot can just hand down whatever dictates are needed. Efficiency!

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You can't have a fascist government without a brownshit paramilitary unit to kill and terrorizing dissenters. And you can't have that if the law keeps punishing them.

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So it’s OK to kill anyone approaching you with an AR-15? I just want to check became I know how much Texas loves allowing people to walk around fully armed.

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It’s amazing how quickly walking around in broad daylight carrying an AR-15 went from “muh right” to “I felt threatened by him.”

Perry now joins the pantheon of murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman whom rightwingers lionize simply because they killed someone wingnuts don’t like.

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You have to drive your car into a crowd of protesters like Perry did first, so that you can feel threatened.

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