
I wish they'd randomly show up when he is out to eat or shopping for groceries...

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Donny J Drumpf is a poopy head!

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... or, best case scenario, they'll die from laughter.

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Donald Trump/Lynndie England 2016 ?

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Perhaps it can.

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"Orange-tufted howler monkey" beats "short-fingered vulgarian" all to hell. Thank you!

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Day-um, that's fabulous. You need to publish, post, get that out there wherever you can!

Bravo, Mr. Law!

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I was ready to post something snarky, to the point, and conforming to the Rules for Commenting Radicals.

That last constraint turned out to be a challenge. Here's what I've got:

Donald, " ".

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One is the torture of suspected terrorists, the other is terrorism.

Huh. I got nothing.

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Thank you.

An addition I made before I put it on facebook:

It is currently considered "quaint" and "simplistic" to believe in American Exceptionalism, but I do. Oh yes, I do. When we try - really try - to live up to those impossible ideals, we can do impossible things. We can defeat polio. We can go to the moon. We will beat cancer, and AIDS, and Ebola. We have. We can. We will.

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Happy nice time. Thanks.

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Please relax, Courser, focus on your breathing, and listen to your wonket. Donald Trump will NEVER be president. Never.

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"But, My Lord, is that legal?"

"I will MAKE it legal!"

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De rien, darling.

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You are so right. When I think of how far we've come since I was a kid, it's mind-boggling. The most technical thing I think we had was either the adding machine or my dad's slide rule. Slide Rule, can you believe it??? A lot of people these days don't even know what one is!

Thanks so much for your uplifting message. I feel better.

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This is what happens when we let torture go unpunished. For years we tortured and we probably still do. We have extraordinary renditions. We have CIA blacksites across Europe and North Africa and the Middle East. We have all sorts of extra-legal killings through drones on a regular basis. We waterboard people. We lock people up indefinitely without access to a lawyer. And then we have bullshit like Abu Ghraib:


The Bush administration oversaw the torture regime, but it was when Obama decided to "look forward, not backwards", he basically gave the impression to everybody that torture was not so bad after all. And now a lot of people are unashamed to be pro-torture, because we literally taught them it was permissible.

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