It has to happen. It just won’t happen in the next 4 yrs.

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Thanks. How repulsive.

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Thx. I know who those horrorshows are, didn’t know the fedsoc name. Sounds like a university club.

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While Susan Collins was calling Ralph on the big, white telephone...Brett Kavanaugh was lying face-down on the bar-room floor, with his pants around his ankles. Someone had written "kick me!" on his butt in bright red lip-stick. Another day in Trump World.

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The main question is-- how long can a shrinking minority of voters maintain their hold on absolute power?? And, boy howdy, is that ever the main question. Because it seems to me that patience with minority rule is wearing a little bit thin. Lil bit.

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Cruisin' down the freeway in her DeLorean!

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We need a Constitutional amendment to make voting rights for all so fundamental that there's no wiggle room for a court to pretend that gerrymandering and caging and closing polling places can be allowed.

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Also, see Daily Kos today for a diary about local elections. Democrats in Harris County elected officials who made voting so much easier that tons of people were enfranchised.

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Quite to the contrary: "Whatever Trump wants is right" is their only view, and they are not at all flexible about it.

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Its only a problem if the demo don't fix the court. If they take the senate back, they'll be fine

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Decomposing in the basement with her roommate

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Preppy? I don't think so. I think he squirms too much. They all squirm too much. And don't you think Thomas must be the stupidest? Because he never says a thing.

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Yes, because it's a new generation! And because of Squee!

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There are always unknown heroes to be brought forward to name the new states after. And for new holidays. Wouldn't that be great? All of them ex-slaves, too. It won't be especially popular, I guess you realize. I lived in Winston-Salem for a little while. I asked a friend of mine-- not realizing that she didn't actually like me-- if, after the war (WWII) didn't anybody think of re-naming the city Winston Churchill? I really just thought it was a startling idea and funny. But she did not. But, being a Yankee, you can only do so much amirite?

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That is a really interesting idea, the random selection thing. Has anyone in Officialdom proposed such a thing?

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So, according to Kegstand's reading of the Constitution, a state legislature could just say, "We get to decide which electors to send to the College to vote, so no need for the people to vote," right? It's not like they're not already floating this idea.

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