He's my Senator, playing to the coonas*ses and kkkrakers.

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He's my Senator, playing to the coonas*ses and kkkrakers.

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At 9, a neighbor girl and I would kiss in my closet (yes, we were literally in the closet). I did not know the terminology for 2 girls being together but I knew I liked it a lot. Around 12 I started liking boys a lot, too. Then I realized I just dug souls no matter what secondary sex characteristics they had. The only thing I learned from the library was labels.

I read so many books with cis het couples. Not one of those books turned me straight.

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I remember when someone said that conservatives think about gay sex more than gay men do. Sorry, I watched the first video, but avoided the second. He's just too repulsive.

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Rethugs, once again, laser focused on the issues that really matter. /s

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Who's the panel that Kennedy is talking to?

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Kennedy was the hardest he has been in decades while reading those quotes.

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Watching Kennedy read this stuff would be enough of a turn off that teens will never have sex of any kind ever again.

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OK, Evan. For once I did watch the video. I'm old enough that there was no YA section in the library. Kennedy's reading was aiming for salacious, but failed in that regard. Least erotic reading of erotica in my lifelong experience, and I've been to *many* poetry and fiction readings, as well as plays.

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Oo, oo, have Kennedy do Bible, Ezekial 23 next. That's a real family friendly section.

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I put off watching those clips until the end of the day, for a laugh. Thank you, Wonkette, for never disappointing!

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I can't see what John Fuckknuckles Kennedy is doing with his other hand while he's reading, just sayin'.

Don't want to see.

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I might never have sex again after that...

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I don't see the benefit of oral sex on a prosthetic peener, but not my business.

Unless Ol' Foghorn is misreading it? I dunno.

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Yeah it is real <ahem>.

Remember the biggest sex organ is your brain.

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Hunter Biden dicpics of GTFO

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"I'm just watching Congressional Hearings, ma, honest!"

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