Don't forget kill or wound someone.

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Tucker's the same thing without the lube.

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Why isn't your comment tattooed on that idiot's face?

White males committing crimes and acting irresponsibly is because of feminism; black males committing crimes and acting irresponsibly is because of blackness. This is not a joke but an accurate description of conservative belief.

Dog on a biscuit but I hate these fuckers so much right now.

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Well, hell. I just checked my old emails and I got it, too--I guess I didn't notice the subject line. That is some bullshit. I will send a response as well, although I'm sure it will also be ignored.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap and other assorted BS at work. Offering virtual hugs in your direction.

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I read what you shared. Warren was passing on the right-wing bullshit spewed about her (that also demonized non-Christians). She was NOT agreeing with the characterization.

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Respectfully, I can’t agree. I’m aware of the particular right-wing meme at issue. It’s on Snopes. My problem is that the presentation by Warren’s campaign left unchallenged the underlying assumption that being a pagan implies serious moral deviancy. Her campaign chose to raise that specific meme, to pair that allegation with “murder” and “serial killer” (which to my knowledge were not alleged in the “pagan” meme), and to refer to all these allegations – including what is basically really “you are a member of a religion” – as “garbage” and “filth.” To me that read as an implicit endorsement of the characterization of paganism as some kind of moral horror, presented as though it’s akin to “murder” and “serial kill[ing].” It isn’t true that Warren’s a pagan, but the way in which that allegation was referenced certainly seemed to reinforce the underlying assumption that it would be an abomination if she were.

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Thank you. The workplace incident was quite a while back, when I was working with teens in state care and not a lawyer. My kids went immediately nuts because, y'know, rights, and the (California state-funded) admin shut that shit down right away.

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You're really overdoing this. If I complain about being accused of infidelity, thievery, murder and cannibalism, that doesn't mean I'm equating all those things. Lighten up.

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Really? I note all the things you mention are seen as moral failings and/or crimes. What if you were complaining of being of accused of infidelity, thievery, murder, and being a Muslim? Why would it be necessary and proper to "complain" of being called a Muslim, along with these failings and crimes of which you hypothetically are accused, rather than simply saying well no, I'm not a Muslim, and how is being a Muslim even like murder or thievery or infidelity anyway?

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Another reason the suicide rate for men is higher is that we're more likely to succeed at our attempts. Because we use guns more.

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I said the same thing just now, but four days after you said it. And we're right :-)

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It didn't even hurt him that he said it. Because it was toxic to the nth degree and people thought, "He's the president for me! Not even Duterte of the Philippines can beat him for saying the worst thing," so they knew they'd been singled out by history to enjoy this exciting situation. That's what I think. He might not admit it but I bet even Mitch McConnell was excited.

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First step, yo.

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But like I said, teaching "don't touch other people without permission" and "don't let anyone touch you without permission" isn't that far off of "don't take other people's shit" or "don't let other people take your shit" yanno?

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[Prehistoric blooper reference removed. Well, you load sixteen tons...]

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