Wasn’t General Boldoc Court Martialed by the Klingon Marines?

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Are there no ice floes? Oh, right.

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Some generals and other military peeps in France have issued bullshit declarations saying that France is “disintegrating” and that civil war might be necessary to remove Macron.

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The mostly white male hierarchy of the military are always going to be hamstrung in their plans to become the official defense force of the GOP by the fact that nearly 50% of the enlisted personnel they command aren’t white males.

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Shocking that unelected politicians (and aren't that exactly what generals are?) with limited accountability would think they know what's best for the rest of us.

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“The rest of the letter is just blah blah Socialism blah blah Marxist.”

How do these people think the military is funded?

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Blanket exemption for any Prince lyrics.

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My military grandpa would never, mainly because he died early due to the years he lost in a Nazi prisoner camp after getting caught fighting fascist assholes - fascist assholes like these letter writing old men who dare to call themselves Patriots - but also because he believed in Democracy.

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John *Poindexter* still exists? Whyyyyyyyy ...

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Yeah, saw that :-(

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Odd use of randomly capitalized terms. Is it a prefab statement they selected, modular and from a centralized source? Or is Trump renting out his foldered Tweets bin that Putin sends him?

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They bought it at IKEA, but were missing a few screws.

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We said the same about Bill Boykin, yet they keep right on stupiding.

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It reads like a bad T**** speech AI generator.

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Wait. John fucking Poindexter? Isn’t he still busy licking the blood of nuns off his hands from when he was the proconsul of Honduras?

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