America, I am sorry for your loss, both present and future. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to suffer and die, and many more will survive but go through severe illness, and all for no reason. I wish I could believe that things could turn around somehow. I still believe it's theoretically possible. But I don't believe that's going to happen. I have passed through surprise, indignation, anger, and disgust, and have finally landed on sorrow. I mourn those who have died, and those who will. Even more, I mourn the ones who died and will die specifically for no reason except vanity and politics. But most of all I mourn their families and friends and loved ones. Their pain will go on for years. I am so, so sorry, America. You have my love and sympathy. I wish I could offer more.

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Don't watch his pressers. Personally I think we'll be very, very lucky to get away with 200,000. I think we can at least double that number. Too many stupid dumb fucks who don't care about facts are going to kill a whole bunch of people. Also too trump is president.

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I was watching Stephen Soderberg's "Contagion" last night - scary shit! VERY realistic. Told us what a worst-case viral outbreak could look like (NB - MUCH worse than Covid 19 - symptom onset with hours of exposure; 20+% death rate.)

Made me think of the movie "Wargames". Don't know if this story is apocryphal, but it is said that after watching a private screening Ronnie Raygun asked the Pentagon if it could really happen that way (resulting in some frantic scrambling).

I'm thinking that every new administration should be REQUIRED to watch "Contagion" as soon as they take office, so they can't say "who could have known?" when it happens again. And who knows, maybe get serious about preparedness?

Of course Spanky McToadstool would have been too busy stuffing his face with Big Macs to pay attention.

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Well, that sucks.

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I avoid NPR. Used to be a regular listener. I can't stand the interviews. No tough followup questions to nail the bastards as they wiggle their way out of telling the truth.

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How cold is it in Hell these days?

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They got an awful lot right. And yes, absolutely, we must not let trumpist revisionists get away with any 'who could have known' rationales.

Especially appreciate the final scene, circling all the way back to the reason behind Paltrow's corporate junket and the opening contamination sequence.

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I am performing that experiment as we speak.

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Sad thing is, he probably will be celebrated if the current media tonguebath is any indication.

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The Line is displeased with Queens President A$$hole McSharpie's "leadership" methinks.

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A loud POP! was heard 'round the world as president dumb ass finally pulled his head out of his butt. But you've got to admire his flexibility for being able to get it up there and keep it up there for all these years.

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I love listening to Ms. Alcindor, but I am beginning think that sending her into the covid-19 den that is Trump's pressers is a waste of her considerable talents, and risking her unnecessarily. I would far rather have her do outstanding investigative journalism, and then go on PBS newshour with a nightly diamond-hard nugget of truth. "The Trump adiminstration fucked X up, and this is how, and people are currently dying as a direct result of said fuckup." Tweet a link to each report at @realdonaldtrump, so that his nose is rubbed in it and he cannot SHOUT at her for being MEAAANNNNNN and NAASSSTTTYYY to him.

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Never. Unfortunately. I would spin a particular scenario that I hope happens, which involves a member of the secret service exacting a terrible revenge on Dolt 45 as a result of having lost his asthmatic child needlessly because of Dolt 45's stupidities, but that would get me banhammered, probably.

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They are staying true to the same form they have held throughout human history. Every "elite" throughout human history has thought that it could time the collapse of society and get out from under just in time. Every "elite' that has thought that, has been wrong. This "elite" won't be any different.

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And it will be his own fault. I hope he lives alone, btw.

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He finds that image intimidating. Much bulge, such turgid.

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