This type of out-of-the-air analysis works in reverse. (Or on other presidents, as mrbilfl already noted.)

Gingrich's failure to impeach -- and symbolically castrate -- his chief political opponent (Bill Clinton) in the 1990s has manifested itself as a functional insanity with regard to the current president.

Ronald Reagan's inability to win or succeed top film roles led him into a delusional fantasy that he could portray a President of the United States. He was authentically dishonest.

Dinesh D'Souza's early life in India and migration to the U.S. have created a fundamental dichotomy in his pysche which can only be resolved through hyper-identification with idealized American values. As a result, he is of neither world and is consequently insane.

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"Authentically dishonest."

Let that sink in for a minute.

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Sounds like Gingrich is mad that Obama turned down a shared hot tub invitation. Bitchiness is SO unbecoming, Newt.

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<a href="http:\/\/andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com\/the_daily_dish\/2010\/09\/quote-7.html" target="_blank">Sullivan</a> is having a field day with this kraziness.

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Newt Gingrich was born Newton Leroy McPherson.

i think that's about all that needs to be said.

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All anti-colonialism is not the same. The relevant variables are the racial-ethnic character of the colonized country, the racial-ethnic character of the colonial power, and the politics involved.

American Revolution anti-colonialism? Totally cool. Mexican Revolution anti-colonialism? Yeah, okay. Kenyan anti-colonialism? You gotta be kidding me. C'mon. Kenyans? Luo tribesmen?

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