this may be the biggest fake outrage since wingnuts took Barack Obama quoting that line about "that's the Chicago way" from The Untouchables and insisted he was calling for murdering his political opponents.

Wingnuts: "Obama is stealing our act!"

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In conclusion, we can only say that... Marco Rubio... was... in good faith... everyone should praise him as an honest, principled man.You can quote us on that, but only in full.

Awww. What fun would that be?

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And the difference is...

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If Rubio actually believed that, I would agree with him on at least one thing.

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Well he's a (relatively) young, handsome POC. True, most of his ideas are crap while most of Obama's were pretty good, but superficial appearances are all that matters, so...

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Or maybe she'd become a brave, heroic free speech martyr like Roger Stone. Who knows?

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Some of them do look bugfuck crazy though.

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Are we allowed to call white men terrorists? I mean, we only recently got clearance to call Trump's racist tweets racist. I don't want to push it.

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I have problems with people using the word issues when they should say they are having or have had problems with such and such. Issues is just a euphemism for problems but it’s used to obfuscate. Issues don’t necessarily have to be problems but problems are always problems. You’ve had problems with WaPo’s Glenn Kessler. Surely a person who has a Ph.D. In rhetoric should take notice.

I have a real doctorate in mass communications, honest, so this is an issue with which I can say I have a certain measure of expertise.

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Lil' Marco is just as revoltingly dishonest as the rest of Trump's GOP bootlickers. Here's hoping this comes back to bite him in the ass at the next election.

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Sorry for the late response.I'm glad that you understand where I'm coming from.I get concerned when people use the wrong language, or use the language wrong, even as they have the best intents possible.

I am reminded of a case some years ago in Canada, where a corporation was able to skirt environmental rules because a court ruling against them, while correct in English, was wrong in the French translation, and so the ruling was deemed invalid, as it had to be valid in both languages.Luckily, we don't have that issue here.

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Double the racism!

Excuse me, I need to go buy some pearls to clutch.

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Messicans can't be in Kappa Alpha though. Sads.

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rubio spreading fake newses? unpossible!

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