Dunno...I won't go to breitard's site, but I seem to be followed by quite a number of them. I'm almost sorry they don't follow me in real life. If they did, they'd get a cane up their asses.

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No hard numbers, just selected "percentages" that reflect the fact that immigrants tend to be poor. Gee, who knew? Gotta love Rethug stink tank statistshits.

Speaking of parasites, it's interesting that fully 1/3 of the "great" state of Texas is on the dole. No wonder NASA didn't want to send 'em a shuttle -- it would have ended up on cinderblocks in a weedy lot.

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Illegals don't have the right to feed their kids. Besides, if we can get their anchor babies to die from malnutrition, they'll stop coming here. And they'll tell their neighbors back in Messico scary stories about the Invisible Hand.

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The same week I dropped a $2144.00 check to the IRS my POS refrigerator died. So while I was shopping for a new refrigerator, the sales person at my local appliance store was telling me why I should be a GE refrigerator. After explaining my reasons for not spending one greenback on a GE product, the fine salesperson told me about an another manufacturer's appliance that was $200 cheaper that had better features. When I asked him why he didn't tell me about this originally, he felt obligated to support an American corporation - after my story (and his story as a small business owner and the taxes he paid) he concluded the same thing: it's all about class welfare and We the corporation and its lobbyists, not We the people of this nation.

The fact that our President picked the GE CEO as an economic stimulus advisor makes me want to send him a bag of lightly salted rat dicks.

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Down? That's a real downer. We're all going down down down in a burning ring of fire.

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You score isn't that much further down than mine. At least the downfister troll isn't so busy today.

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What? If GE is paying no taxes, that's too much. It needs a tax cut (and our sincere apologies).

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yes but lindsey lohan is going to jail again.

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this is my favorite wonkette thread in a really long time.

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if GE is a corporation and corporations are people then GE fucking better clean out its closet and stop seeing that tramp.

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Poor, hungry people will always make any effort to eat. Rich, greedy companies will always make any effort to not pay taxes (or workers, dividends, etc.) Idiot, corrupt politicians will always make hay confusing the two.

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