For all its flaws I love that movie. It's probably some sort of character flaw.

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By the way, a low fat, high carb diet + exercise = obesity. Cut out the exercise completely, drop the carbs and increase your fat (particularly saturated fat) intake. When I say increase, I mean at least 75% of your calories must come from fat.

I'm telling you this because mainstream dietary advice is guaranteed to cause obesity. Presumably you eat after you've been out for a walk or whatever, right…? And presumably what you eat is low-fat because you believe it to be healthy, yes…? Exercise, particularly cardio, causes a drop in blood sugar, which causes the release of ghrelin, which makes you feel,hungry. When you eat, your pancreas releases insulin to lower your blood sugar. Its sole job is to convert carbohydrates to glucose and then to glycogen for storage. Small amounts of glycogen are stored in the liver and in your muscles, but the majority is converted to adipose tissue aka body fat. So, the more you exercise, the more you eat, and the more you eat, the more weight you gain - can you understand why you're struggling now…? Insulin doesn't regulate blood sugar, that's the job of glucagon, insulin should really be termed the 'fat storage hormone'.

If you want to burn body fat, then you've got to stop making it, and the only way to do that is to stop feeding your body the things it needs to make you fat so, if you want to lose fat (and that's entirely your choice, nobody should shame you into doing it), then you need to force your body into burning fat. Dietary fat has no impact on blood sugar therefore it's impossible for it to make you fat.

Remember, that you can't ever return to eating a LFHC diet because you'll just regain everything.

I know this because it works - I'm 25 stone lighter. It's been 15 years now and I've not regained a single ounce.

Remember, it's YOUR CHOICE. If you're happy as you are, then fine.

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According to this theory, we cycle through some version of this horror every four generations...which is not great timing considering the state of climate change and nuclear proliferation.



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Works perfectly with stop and frisk. Lord, it's going to be a long four years.

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Luckily, Obama will be able to take the heat off Carter, since Obama will be blamed for everything that Trump wrecks for the next 30 years.

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Including Trump's two, possibly three, failed marriages.

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I have to confess that I worked for a start up design firm back in the days of blue prints, shop drawings and patterns laid out by hand. I was a bushy tailed young go-getter! Have Pen! Will Travel!

One day I came in and found a stylish glass trophy and a certificate on my desk. I had won a design competition over the weekend! The owner had gone to the awards ceremony and brought back several awards. He hadn't told us because he did not want his young go-getters to get their hopes up and then be disappointed.

Man! What an ego boost! Then my name was in a trade publication and "our" firm suddenly had a lot of new work to do and when you are young who gives a shit about long hours?!

A few years later the owner sold the whole business to a larger firm and I found out that I wasn't needed anymore. I protested that I was an award winning designer with cachet to spare! They told me that the awards were given by organizations that all had one thing in common; every award committee was wholly owned by the design firm I worked for. My boss had formed them and then given their annual awards to his own firm.

I packed my drawing tools and moved on. I always wondered where my old boss had gone. I have a pretty good idea now of where he ended up.

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To be honest I still think "tastes like diabetes" is hilarious (and now it's probably OK for me to say). But jokes based on people's diet just aren't that funny to me (unless they're ridiculous hypocrites or something).

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I have before so she is much better behaved now. She has her own stuff going on so I want to be there for her but I absolutely will not put up with her behavior and I make sure she knows that.

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I threw a little and had to stop reading after "I can tell you as a friend and someone who has known Jeff Sessions for 32 years that Jeff does not have a racist bone in his body..." Of course not, worms don't have bones.

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It sounds weird but high fat low carb works. Good fats (coconut, avocado etc) cut out all the junk carbs. Fresh veg and a little bit of fruit are good carbs. A good naturopath can help and there are some good books. Most doctors still push food pyramid BS. Good luck, Keep the good attitude with mom, you sound like you have a good handle on her issues.

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Well former President Carter was involved in Habitat for Humanity, so that probably makes the accusation just, don't you think?

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Fucking nightmare. I'm not supposed to hear names like "gingrich" and "sessions" and "Guiliani" in 2016 as serious contenders for any government post and now flipping "Ashcroft" emerges like a godamn dementor, where is my damn patronus spell! This is like a bad recurring dream.I fucking can't... Fuck..


Fuck it we'll do it live.. WE'LL DO IT LIVE

WE"LL DO IT LIVE Goddamit.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Chuckle, snicker.

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