They can't grasp that anyone would be upset by a few deaths. I mean, these kids aren't even white.

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Don't forget to add the bitters.

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Those kids look awfully terroristy to me. Better throw teargas at them.

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Also, the dumbcrowd-financed wall is partially in Mexico. My SO was a surveyor, and the chances of this being an honest mistake are nil. Zilch. Zero.

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

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Today in Jamestown. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Okay, anyone whose ancestors came here on a boat, please form a single file in front of the Eastern Seaboard.

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Right next to the one way exit.

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In banking, there is a form called a U5 that allows a bank to "blacklist" an ex-employee for fraudulent behavior. This form can effectively prevent a person from ever working in the banking industry. Wells Fargo abused the U5 a few years back as retaliation against whistleblowers attempting to expose its illegal and unethical activities. Ex Wells-Fargo employees are still feeling the effects of this years after the bank has supposedly cleaned up its act.

So, a bank can blacklist ex-employees for doing nothing wrong, yet the law enforcement community can't do anything about corrupt and vigilante officers who abuse and terrorize children and the elderly at our southern border? We can attempt to train them, I suppose, but will that really do any good? We can fire them, but what's to stop them from moving along to another town and using their federal law enforcement connections to get a new job as a police officer? It makes me sick. The officers perpetrating these acts should have no control over the safety or well-being of any human being, ever.

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Sounds like an act of war to me.

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Fuck Trump. Fuck Stephen Miller. Fuck CBP.

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What these victims need is crowdfunding cash for lawsuits.

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Preferably in concert with our allies and maybe the UN. What do you think the odds are they could free up a courtroom in Nuremberg in about eighteen months time - ?

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You mean the notoriously 'liberal' media?

They will, however, have to contend with the fact (as I've noted here before) that progressive ideas enjoy a wide popularity amongst Americans, with that only increasing among younger voters. Not saying it *can't* happen, but things that seemed a surety four or eight years ago are increasingly coming up for public dissection.

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There had better be a "Judgment at Nuremberg" when this is all over.....

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Like the people that voted for Warcriminal Bush's second term?

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