Moving to undisclosed locations, no doubt. Locations without extradition treaties, also too.

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She's kind of a heartless selfish lying bitch. FIFY

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Nope - no spine in evidence. She partied with a large group including various family members in violation of guidelines. She got called out and is now slinking away.

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You can't fool me, that says "ekas skcuf rof ho"

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And you beat me to that joke by an hour.

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If this dude reproduced--I'm not looking him up but he probably did--you just know his kids had a blast growing up.

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This gets into muddy foreign policy waters pretty quickly. As Ms. Crofts points out.

Also and too, I'm not sure the US really wants to get into the particulars of the death of Anwar al-Awlaki in this context.

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As Trump said, who cares if they kill people in the USA, they GIVE ME MONEY.

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I certainly did not think you were going to say "Putin" after Putin congratulated Biden on his win! Even said he looked forward to working with him! No, Prince Bonesaw is just about right. Bonesaw and Bone Spurs, y'know.

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Somebody is gonna have to take the Trump family's place.

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"...maybe Trump will be too busy fucking up other things to jump in on this one!"

So much revenge! So little time! Give it your very best shot donnie! Down that 30 day bottle of 'roids; inject some more wonder drugs; eat lots of junk food and whatever else you do make sure you have eaten a bushel basket of Adderall to stay awake.

And ignore all those liberal pussy quacks who say you need hydration. Water is for LOSERS!

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You left out the steroids. But don't worry, donnie won't forget them any time soon. He's been walking on sunshine for over two months now.

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In Saudi Arabia, offing people isn't a crime if you are a member of the Royal Family. They haveno human rights laws, which is why donald admires MBS so much, so naturally he will want to give him immunity. Donald has over 300,000 deaths from covid on his watch, and he doesn't givea flying fuck. He has even upstaged MBS on that one.

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Imagine his PJs

You're welcome

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She's a Fundie. The language of hypocrisy is a Mother Tongue

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