i have a feeling all she has to do is ask the White House gardening staff if it can be done . . . and wait until next morning.

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anybody take off a shoe yet?

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i swear i read "regressive assholes"as "adhesive assholes" . . . my brain keeps me entertained and has a warped sense of humor.

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Blackmailer and compromised.

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Replace [is the] with [is a stupid person's idea of]. Twice.

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I got in on the ground floor with my Disney+ subscription and I am not mad about it. The Mandolorian gave me something to look forward to and Baby Yoda made my mom a Star Wars person.

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I loved Captain Marvel. I knew all the songs.

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and the tides are wicked strong. All in all not the place for even Olympic swimmers to try and leisurely afternoon outing.

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Sadly, I concur. He seems really unstable

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That just reminded me, yesterday when you were mentioning waiting to take an Aleve I thought of this and got pulled away before I could reply.

If you are in a lot of pain, you can take the prescribed dose of Aleve/Advil/Ibuprofen and the full dose of Tylenol without harm. One is processed in the kidneys and the other in the liver so you don't run the risk of damage and it won't chew up your gut. I had massive back pain for a long time and I can recommend this.

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What in anybody's holy name keeps these freaks tied to this fat slob? Is it the moronic "base"? How in G-d's name could anyone look at that video and not say holy shit this guy wanted people murdered? I just don't get it. I see it with the morans on Facebook braying about how 45 was OMG THE BEST EVAH AND MELANOMA OMG SO CLASSY. I just don't get it. Is it stupidity? Racism? All of the above? Fat fuck doesn't give a shit about any of them. They can't see that?

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I got into a little tiff on Facebook with a simpleton who complained that Melanie was never featured in Hello magazine like First Lady Dr. Biden. I explained that it is a family publication and doesn't normally feature soft core porn models/escorts in its pages. Oh my, he took umbrage. He called me every nasty name his little brain could conjure. I, of course, was delighted.

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To be fair, most designers would KILL to dress a First Lady. None wanted their name associated with Melanoma. As Michael Kors said "If she is wearing one of my designs, she paid retail". So she was forced to buy off the rack or buy Slovenian knock offs of designer clothing. It's not her fault she married a fat pig/is a racist birther hoor.

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But what about yelling 'theater' in a crowded fire?

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