Its the oligarchs that enrich him. I mean, it takes big rubles to stay outta prison in Russia these days, just ask Mr. Khodokovsky. So they cut Putin his share- "wet his beak". It's a gangster Nation with Putin as Godfather. And he's very much a murderous nationalist and not to be trusted at all, not even one little bit.

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Somehow I think this may be the last we ever hear of this bill...

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Thanks for the map. Maps explain so much.

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I recently found out Lenin was the one who allowed non-russian peoples to declare independence. So basically Putin is an anti-Leninist.

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Putin is a thug and a gangster. He's a thief and an oligarch. But he's not stupid.

Lenin, Marx, communism, soviet style socialism, none of that matters to him. What matters is how much can he take and how to keep the population from having another revolution.

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I do this all the time. And every year it gets worse and worse. It's like the sound of fingernails on a blackboard to me. Do they even have blackboards anymore?

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I wish I could shrink myself down and go inside Lindsey Graham's head for awhile. It would be more fun than any amusement park on the outside, I am certain.

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Promises made. Promises not kept.

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wha-wha-wha-what a b b b bbbbbbitch

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You referring to Peaches LaRue? aka Judit Rusznyák

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Does Russia have money for that? My understanding is that the country is financially screwed.

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I learned how not to operate a dishwasher. Or a toilet, also.

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People pay a lot of money to go to Disney World. Who wants to see a robotic failed steak salesman share the stage with Lincoln and Washington?! Seriously, what's his speech about? Flushing toilets fifteen times? No collusion, no obstruction? American carnage?

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Lol ! She'd have to be pretty darn old to be previous to my generation.

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Think roller coaster.

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Releases the Bad Humours as I understand it.

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