Do you know what she's called?

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Wasn't that when Jesus rode the tyranasaurus into Jerusalem while people waved palm fronds and shouted Hossanahs?

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We had a centurion like that. Her name was Sister Ellen Mary.

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I am reading Michael Palin's diaries right now and have just reached the observations made on the filming of TLoB - quite eye-opening, reading about the process. Going by the comments here, I see I am not the only die-hard fan...I would rec. Palin's diaries for many reasons (historically related as well as Python related) but his innate decency really makes them a pleasure (also, many LOL moments!). Also recently read Cleese's 'So Anyway' which I also enjoyed very much.

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No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle! Even if...and I want to make this perfectly clear...even if they DO say Jehovah!

(great shrieking, followed by large rock dropped on the Saduccee.)

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I'm old enough to remember Dan Quayle's crusade against Murphy Brown.

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I recall in the late 80s that many, including myself, were very concerned that an utter moron like Quayle was only a heartbeat away from the presidency. Twelve years later the nightmare came true when Bush Jr was selected by the right-wing Supreme Court.

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And of course, that was pre-Palin. Ah, the good ol' days.

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That's your opinion, man. It's decided law. See: DC v. Heller

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So was Dred Scott. All It requires is getting rid of two or three RWNJs on the SCOTUS.

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You know lots of people feel the same way about Roe v. Wade don't you? They even feel that way for the same reason: They think they're saving lives.

The similarity between anti-gun and pro-life folks has always fascinated me. They're so alike even though the operate on opposite 'sides' of our silly political spectrum. Personally, I'm pro-choice and pro-2nd. Maybe that makes me pro-death.

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Opinion polls over the years consistently show that Americans do not want to repeal Roe v. Wade.

I'm pro-choice and I want guns to be very difficult for angry, violent, or unqualified people to get a hold of. The "right" to arm oneself made a lot of send in the 18th century but seems silly now, especially when you take note of how violence has come to dominate our culture. The right to be safe from my neighbors guns is more important to me than having a gun of my own.

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" I want guns to be very difficult for angry, violent, or unqualified people to get a hold of."I agree. Law enforcement agencies are where we should be focusing this. Too many of the wrong types are drawn to the field and are nigh impossible to get rid of once there.

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I'm not particularly against the 2nd. I do think there should be more controls on possession of guns. There is no reason in the world a whackjob, a wife beater, a violent felon should be able to walk into a gun show and buy one.

And they aren't "pro-life" but anti-abortion.

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In Japan, the suicide weapon of choice is some manner of blade, the larger the better. Japanese culture worships blades, particularly swords, far more than American culture reveres guns. Really, the craziest American gun-nut will not build a shrine to his gun, burn incense to it, and address meditations to it. And Japan, for decades, has had the highest suicide rate in the world.

American suicides prefer guns simply because gunshot (provided you know where to aim) is a fast, clean, painless and certain death. That makes it preferable to the second most common form, which is leaping from a height.

It's ridiculous to blame the tool for what humans choose to do with it.

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