Google "America First 1930s and WWII"

You will Nazi see it coming.

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he was probably trying to hark back to 'civility' and 'norms' which the R's have trashed but the D's are judged for

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the standard has really dropped lately

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the projection (and cognitive dissonance) is strong with that one - must be a dense wood like oak

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words have alternate meanings obviously, how can an antifascist be fascist?

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My godfather had to train for months, sail the Atlantic, wait forever for D-Day, and jump into occupied France to kill Nazis and all the people marching with them. It would have been much more convenient for Germans to beat down the Brown Shirts before that was necessary.

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Glad to see how tolerant you are. because I'm pretty sure your daughter might have a brown child. Rebelion is a bitch.

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Yes. Call them fascists, and the center will immediately vote for them to show how extremist the Left is.

That may have actually been an argument made by Tuckums that I read about here. Stephen King said memory is the most facile thief out there.

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His looks are the least of it.He's an entitled, petulant crybaby.

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Question, I blocked this cheeseballs. Who is it?

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You are Canadian, are you not? You are not as polite as you should be.

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One would wish. Based on anecdotal rather than empirical evidence, though, it seems that between a quarter and a third of white people in this country are on the republican "spectrum." I.e., somewhere between the Trump-wackies and Charlie Koch (with the Ayn Rand obsessed libertarian a-holes somewhere in the middle). That's enough to carry a lot of elections, sadly. I'd take comfort in the fact that there's more of us than there is of them, but "us" rarely stick together like we should. We gotta work on that. Can't always be waiting for a crisis to drive progress in this country...

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It's transcribing a speech so the ellipsis indicates a pause.

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Does she have space lasers?

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Behind bars he might end being neither.

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