There's another Interesting Thing about Switzerland: Switzerland and Finland are the <a href="http:\/\/static5.businessinsider.com\/image\/510949bdecad04e80d000023-1200\/compared-to-the-rest-of-the-world-the-us-is-an-extreme-outlier-this-chart-shows-that-the-more-guns-a-country-has-the-more-gun-deaths-a-country-has-the-us-takes-this-relationship-to-the-extreme.jpg" target="_blank"> European leaders in gun violence. </a>

Somehow, the gun nuts never fail to not point this out.

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At what point to they realize that believing something doesn't make it true? You could say "when they're dead" ... although by then, it's too late to "realize" anything. So, "never".

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These days, even IF the NRA took their meds and condemned this, a pack of Open Carry wingnuts would threaten them until they changed their minds.

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The "free energy" loons are a whole different class of nutters - YouTube, in particular, is loaded with their nonsense. They look at the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics pretty much the same way teabaggers regard global warming.

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But Yodels taste so delicious.

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ambignostic: I don't agree with you. There are losers and loners out there who want the "fame" - even if it comes after they are dead. There are too many copy-cat crimes.

Once the law knows who did it - and especially after they are dead - they don't deserve to have their names or photos run. Ever. We should pay attention to the victims. And ignore the low-lifes who did it.

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(CNN) -- The man accused of opening fire at a Seattle college had a fascination with school shootings, telling investigators he had once visited Columbine High School, a police source told CNN affiliate KIRO on Friday.

According to the unnamed police source, the suspect admitted to the attack and told police he "wanted to shoot up a school."

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But who fucks the rooster?

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So...anti-government socialists?

<a href="http:\/\/www.geocities.com\/denniverse\/MAX\/scannersexplodinghead.gif" target="_blank">Okay then.</a>

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Now how many "memorial" pages for these two will pop up before Facebook squashes them? 5? 10?

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The Las Vegas right wing nutz are dead. I wouldn't publish their names or their photos again. They don't deserve any ink.

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