Charlie's smile would give anyone hope x

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Okay, well, colour me stupid, but when I went to register for the Everett, WA event I was directed to sign in with FB. I did not see another way to register. I ask the question in good faith and you slam me because why? Doesn't matter, I will be there regardless.

Also, yes, of course this should be all over the news. I am sorry that you misinterpreted Mr. ArmedResistant's comment to mean that it should be shielded from the press. That was not his (or my) intention.

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It might if they knew about it. But they won't see it if they're consuming conservative media.

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"Some day" is too far away.

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I didn't intend to insult your intellect; I honestly didn't understand your question because I only know about lightsforliberty.org. If someone created a Facebook event for the Everett event, then I would just go without registration if you don't FB. I don't see how my reply could be interpreted as a slam though. I didn't understand the ? so I said so, without saying anything negative about you at any time.

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Hmm- I see your point. Guess we'll all just have to keep raising Hell and hope people notice...

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plus Fabians salary

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boy, she's not living up to either definition of the name

Fa·bi·an /ˈfābēən/ noun a member or supporter of the Fabian Society, an organization of socialists aiming at the gradual rather than revolutionary achievement of socialism



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Then I suggest you start doing some more, and tell us what you're doing, so we can emulate you.

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Why? You’re not capable of figuring out what to do on your own?

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Toothbrushes. FFS.

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Oh, I know what to do - and I'm doing it. I was wondering whether you did.

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Norovirus outbreak, widespread C. difficile colonization, and community-acquired MRSA to bring up the rear.

Yup. Allowing "nature to take its course" is possibly, if not probably, going to be more efficient at killing these children than any active course the Mandarin's tiny evil little brain could consider. Plus it allows the Bible-thumping "Christians" in the Mandarin's corner to claim that the inevitable deaths of these children was simply the will of G-d.

'Kay, off to recite the Imprecatory Psalms now.

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holy crap.

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You know, every awful horrible person I've ever known has sooner or later met Karmic payback. In the case of a couple of them, it did take a long time.

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The Dead Milkmen were so prescient:

The man in the White House, he just don't care,He starves little kids and he dyes his hairNow what could make him think that way?What could make them act that way?He's just a right-wing pigeon from outer spaceSent here to destroy the human raceHe don't give a damn about you or meHe just buys guns and watches TV.

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