An iconic picture with levity though, he doesn't have many of those.

Mostly he looks like a stern school teacher wagging his finger at the special ed class who won't shut up in the next room.

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That's kind of a tacky remark.

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Kids these days . . . they should get offa my lawn and go learn stuff, grumble grumble.

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A distinct improvement over the horse's ass that typically greets GOP politicians.

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Did he give Obama an answer that he'll endorse?

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Check the looks on their faces. Not. Impressed.

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For any Youngs who might not get the <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=tSsuohepbVk" target="_blank">reference</a>.

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Don't Mr. Ed that joint, my friend.

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Don't get someone started with ponies.

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Drug-addled jazz criminals are people, my friend.

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That's why Bamz looked ready to follow up that handshake with a left hook. Black man has to keep on his toes when Secret Service lets zombies and furries just stroll up to you. (I know, they were pre-screened, I hope)

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Trust me. Wearing Ted Cruz on your head is not as easy as it looks.

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After his dealings with the GOP, Obama was surprised to learn horses have heads too.

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