That is horrible. I wonder what showed that you were even Democrats. I've been living in a fool's paradise-- I'm in my 70's but I've been so ignorant of people being enraged, in rural areas. I get so angry to hear them talk. Then I read a book, then I blame myself, then I get enraged myself, at the destruction they cause. I just heard about a book written awhile ago, explaining all about pandemics and why people refuse vaccines and the other protective measures, thinking it violates their rights. This was a settled phenomenon this psychologist described ten years or so ago! Anyway, I'm sorry you had to face this when you were young.

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I suppose if they're getting that aid but don't want to admit it, they'll sneer at "wokedness" which is some kind of sissyism. I mean they loudly despise wokedness just to distance themselves from their actual dependence on programs that support them, out there on the prairie. Then they have to loudly hate Biden who parades those programs, as another way to distance themselves from the dependence they DEPEND on. And their huge farm subsidies omg all those GOP guys from the midwest are getting enormous subsidies-- not just Joanie Something. Such lying dorks. Anyway Ol'HandsomeJoe-thank you.

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I have relatives across MT. Some are to put it mildly overtly racist. Most benefited from farm welfare programs and/or oil leases.

“We made it on our own without any help.”

(Pure and utter bull manure.)

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Ah, yes, the good ol' Craig T. Nelson School of Government. I wonder if he ever pondered how those checks and stamps miraculously appeared at his abode ever month.

"I was on welfare and food stamps. Anybody help me out? No."


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Very interesting personal story.

I have never lived out west. But I do think about Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, even the dakotas when discussions here imply Florida and Texas are the two worst states.

There’s a dozen fighting for that title.

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When that candidate beat up the Guardian reporter for asking a polite journalistic question, and THEN BECAME GOVERNOR of Montana, then I knew--- then I knew the little girls and the editrix and Mr. Editrix should get the hell out.

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I lived in Montana for a year in high school in a teeny town. We were the only Democrats in town and were completely hated. I found friends, but those friends left Montana more than 50 years ago and also became Democrats.

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I would love to know why you were hated. You wore berets? Or teased your hair? Just curious.

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Because we didn't grow up there and we were Democrats.

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The fact that he murdered a Native American and got away with it says a lot.

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" Because one of the three people who bailed out young Kaleb Fleck, 19, after he stomped Bryan to death "


I'm trying to understand how anyone who committed such a horrific crime can even have bail.

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I understand Rebecca's reasons for leaving and applaud her efforts to live and raise a family in a more supportive community environment.

That said, some of us are toughing it out in MT, attending community meetings, pushing back against GOP declarative reality by acknowledging objective reality, and trying to instill core critical thinking skills in our children.

And voting... as we must while our democracy still functions.

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Such a Beautiful state, Montana. - Been there many times.

Won't be going back anytime soon.

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Kaleb? Zachariah? Christ, what century am I living in?

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With the added stupidity of “Kaleb” with a K.

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Whaddya wanna bet he has siblings named Kaitlynn and Konnor?

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Factually, his brother's names are Malachi and Isaiah Fleck. His grandparents Linda and Dave Sichting bailed him out WITH the neonazi, who is the boyfriend of Kaleb's mom.

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And nothing happened as punishment for thus crime to date.

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Maybe kristian too?

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Ok so since I already own a Substack I guess my real name gets used instead of my nom de Wonk which is CyberMindGrrl.

So yeah, here's me. My Substack is about the fascist wing's war on LGBTQ+ and specifically T people and it's called "Woke AF". I also write about the history of trans people in society. Check it out!

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Your real name is Amore. You lucked out! I will look into this substack thing. Don’t yet know how it works.

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"Kaleb Fleck."

JFC, right out of Central Casting.

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Nazi's are just totally out in the open now. This is a horrible development. I don't like Nazi's. I hate bigotry. They have the right to their views, but it is appalling that they feel that murder is an acceptable solution to an issue.

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Just doing the lord's work.

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Ameristan is becoming a reality. Neal Stephenson wrote a novel of a future US where the Federal Government just doesn’t exist in some places anymore. Most of the educated have fled to the blue states, including doctors and engineers, but the remaining like it that way.

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I read it in his novel “Fall; or Dodge in Hell”.

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A novel or a documentary?

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one of the best reads ever ‘’Snow Crash’’, as the friend who lent it to me said will ‘’eat your brain’’ … it did … touches on virtually everything that is happening now, a deep dive into neurolinguistic programming i wish more D’s were aware of, it’s been the driving force of R media for years … neal has become rather long winded in the intervening years but still readable …

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I read "Heavy Weather" back in the early 90's (Christ I can't believe I just said that). Tremendously prescient writer indeed.

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I read it after reading John Scalzi's "The Kaiju Preservation Society." All these people in that book talk about how great Snow Crash is.

When Hero enters the Metaverse the first time, I stopped reading to go back and check the copyright. 1992. Let's speculate how many pennies he got out of Zuckerberg.

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oh lord! Matt Hale is a name I haven't heard in a while and I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole again.

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