I personally like the challenge of duck hunting with a semiautomatic pistol.

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2014 is off to a great start! Diversity comes to the Chicken Fucking industry.

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You were afire.

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You'll shoot your eye out...

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I, for one, await their line of bridal couture for the 15-year-old set. What elegance!

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Looks like he's holdin' his invitation right dere, folks.

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<i>We were going to look up how much these things cost and ridicule that, but then we remembered we actually have no frame of reference for camo-<strike>bedazzled</strike></i></strike> <b>vajazzled? bejizzled?</b> pistols and also, too, a deep lack of caring, so you’re on your own for scaring up that info.


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The Beverly Teaparty!

What, reruns again?

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