Well, Friedman already cut'n'pastes most of his columns. He just needs to start cut'n'pasting from <em>other people's</em> work.

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This appears to be his problem - he seems to feel it's perfectly OK to create the impression that someone else's words are his own, as long as his ass is covered by some smallprint nobody will ever read.

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It's interesting that in the original Greek myth, Narcissis was an opthamologist with a dubious hairpiece.

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To be fair, some dogs do a little biological "recycling" and look guilty about it when they are caught.

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By the way Rand, <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/11\/02\/maddow-to-rand-paul-good-luck-trying-to-make-this-plagiarism-thing-about-me\/" target="_blank">don't say Rachel didn't warn you</a>.

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He probably thinks this blogpost is about him.

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In other words — which seem to be the only kind he has available to him — Paul is less the “author” of his “writing” than the general contractor, and he’s gotten stuck with some cheap knock-offs that he had no idea were shoddily manufactured. Poor thing. Maybe he should challenge them to a duel, too? A thing of beauty, this.

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WHAT is with these knuckle-draggers? He saves them some bucks on taxes, and can literally do no wrong.

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Does that mean Sasha and Malia have stolen Air Force 1 and blamed it on the six personal chefs on board ? Or that Bo poops in visiting dignitaries shoes and blames the dog walker ?

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Just to go all "Eats Shoots and Leaves" ...

His problem not the absence of footnotes. It's the copying of someone else's intellectual property. Paul talks as if using a footnote is the same as crossing your fingers when making a promise. (Something he also probably does.)

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ROFL, the droolers at the Moonie Times are sputtering and fuming about Obama (of course, it's ALWAYS Obummer's fault), Handsome Joe, Al Sharpton (because blah) and freaking MLK. Anything to avoid that personal responsibility they're so fond of demanding from others...

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Noted <a href="http:\/\/www.slate.com\/articles\/news_and_politics\/chatterbox\/2002\/01\/doris_kearns_goodwin_liar.html" target="_blank">plagiarist </a>and former LBJ GF Doris "Kearns" Goodwin approves of this action.

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Appropriate, since his name sounds like it escaped from Shakespeare. Consider -

Lord: Ran'd Paul to the castle? Flunkey: Aye, sire. His horse hath gone lame.

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The senator spins out ideas all on his own - and then his staff dredges up “supporting facts and anecdotes."

This explains a lot about Republican idiocy. Everybody I know gets the facts first, then develops ideas that are consistent with those facts. (Science - how does it work?)

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Fair's fair -- Shakespeare used lots of famous lines in his own plays, with no footnotes.

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