The Washington Times, a scabrous rag, actually wrote something we agree with -- a farewell note to Senator Rand Paul, whose column for the paper will be ended following multiple accusations of plagiarism, including a recent column for that paper.
Well, Friedman already cut&#039;n&#039;pastes most of his columns. He just needs to start cut&#039;n&#039;pasting from <em>other people&#039;s</em> work.
This appears to be his problem - he seems to feel it&#039;s perfectly OK to create the impression that someone else&#039;s words are his own, as long as his ass is covered by some smallprint nobody will ever read.
By the way Rand, <a href="http:\/\/\/rs\/2013\/11\/02\/maddow-to-rand-paul-good-luck-trying-to-make-this-plagiarism-thing-about-me\/" target="_blank">don&#039;t say Rachel didn&#039;t warn you</a>.
In other words &mdash; which seem to be the only kind he has available to him &mdash; Paul is less the &ldquo;author&rdquo; of his &ldquo;writing&rdquo; than the general contractor, and he&rsquo;s gotten stuck with some cheap knock-offs that he had no idea were shoddily manufactured. Poor thing. Maybe he should challenge them to a duel, too? A thing of beauty, this.
Does that mean Sasha and Malia have stolen Air Force 1 and blamed it on the six personal chefs on board ? Or that Bo poops in visiting dignitaries shoes and blames the dog walker ?
Just to go all &quot;Eats Shoots and Leaves&quot; ...
His problem not the absence of footnotes. It&#039;s the copying of someone else&#039;s intellectual property. Paul talks as if using a footnote is the same as crossing your fingers when making a promise. (Something he also probably does.)
ROFL, the droolers at the Moonie Times are sputtering and fuming about Obama (of course, it&#039;s ALWAYS Obummer&#039;s fault), Handsome Joe, Al Sharpton (because blah) and freaking MLK. Anything to avoid that personal responsibility they&#039;re so fond of demanding from others...
Noted <a href="http:\/\/\/articles\/news_and_politics\/chatterbox\/2002\/01\/doris_kearns_goodwin_liar.html" target="_blank">plagiarist </a>and former LBJ GF Doris &quot;Kearns&quot; Goodwin approves of this action.
The senator spins out ideas all on his own - and then his staff dredges up &ldquo;supporting facts and anecdotes.&quot;
This explains a lot about Republican idiocy. Everybody I know gets the facts first, then develops ideas that are consistent with those facts. (Science - how does it work?)
Well, Friedman already cut&#039;n&#039;pastes most of his columns. He just needs to start cut&#039;n&#039;pasting from <em>other people&#039;s</em> work.
This appears to be his problem - he seems to feel it&#039;s perfectly OK to create the impression that someone else&#039;s words are his own, as long as his ass is covered by some smallprint nobody will ever read.
It&#039;s interesting that in the original Greek myth, Narcissis was an opthamologist with a dubious hairpiece.
To be fair, some dogs do a little biological &quot;recycling&quot; and look guilty about it when they are caught.
By the way Rand, <a href="http:\/\/\/rs\/2013\/11\/02\/maddow-to-rand-paul-good-luck-trying-to-make-this-plagiarism-thing-about-me\/" target="_blank">don&#039;t say Rachel didn&#039;t warn you</a>.
He probably thinks this blogpost is about him.
In other words &mdash; which seem to be the only kind he has available to him &mdash; Paul is less the &ldquo;author&rdquo; of his &ldquo;writing&rdquo; than the general contractor, and he&rsquo;s gotten stuck with some cheap knock-offs that he had no idea were shoddily manufactured. Poor thing. Maybe he should challenge them to a duel, too? A thing of beauty, this.
WHAT is with these knuckle-draggers? He saves them some bucks on taxes, and can literally do no wrong.
Does that mean Sasha and Malia have stolen Air Force 1 and blamed it on the six personal chefs on board ? Or that Bo poops in visiting dignitaries shoes and blames the dog walker ?
Just to go all &quot;Eats Shoots and Leaves&quot; ...
His problem not the absence of footnotes. It&#039;s the copying of someone else&#039;s intellectual property. Paul talks as if using a footnote is the same as crossing your fingers when making a promise. (Something he also probably does.)
ROFL, the droolers at the Moonie Times are sputtering and fuming about Obama (of course, it&#039;s ALWAYS Obummer&#039;s fault), Handsome Joe, Al Sharpton (because blah) and freaking MLK. Anything to avoid that personal responsibility they&#039;re so fond of demanding from others...
Noted <a href="http:\/\/\/articles\/news_and_politics\/chatterbox\/2002\/01\/doris_kearns_goodwin_liar.html" target="_blank">plagiarist </a>and former LBJ GF Doris &quot;Kearns&quot; Goodwin approves of this action.
Appropriate, since his name sounds like it escaped from Shakespeare. Consider -
Lord: Ran&#039;d Paul to the castle? Flunkey: Aye, sire. His horse hath gone lame.
The senator spins out ideas all on his own - and then his staff dredges up &ldquo;supporting facts and anecdotes.&quot;
This explains a lot about Republican idiocy. Everybody I know gets the facts first, then develops ideas that are consistent with those facts. (Science - how does it work?)
Fair&#039;s fair -- Shakespeare used lots of famous lines in his own plays, with no footnotes.