HELL no, why drag trans men into this bullshit? Implant the dead biological waste into a pro forced birth politician. Choose via lottery of people who introduced or voted for this shit. If they don't have a uterus, just dump it in the perineum. It's the same thing as an adoption, right? Except their immune system is gonna get really pissed off about this lump of dead foreign tissue, and they'll get a raging infection, which can't be ABORTED because it's a baaaaaaaaaaby, right? Oh, the "pregnancy" is endangering your life? How sad. Anyway.

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Ohio republicans already tried to force a 10-year-old rape victim to carry a pregnancy to term. What are they going to do for an encore?

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Why punish trans men? Implant the fetus into a pro-life republican woman chosen by lottery. She won't refuse because that would make her an accessory to baby murder.

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I think there is a bit of a miscommunication here. I apologize if I was muddying the waters. I am 100% pro choice. I just don't think of getting rid of an ectopic pregnancy as being an abortion - it's not really a choice, you get rid of it or you die usually. It's not really a pregnancy where you have options to abort, keep or adopt (even if those options very much depend on your financial position).

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Force a 5 year old victim ............................................ ?

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God, I hope no 5-year-old victim could ever get pregnant.

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I don't think anyone would argue that a pregnant person is allowed to view their own pregnancy any way they like. No one but a complete soulless asshole would tell someone who miscarried in the first trimester and believes they will meet that child in heaven, "NO, it's just a clump of cells, get over it." But people like the op ed's author are demanding that everyone not only let them do that, but that the state should force everyone to act under the same beliefs. That all pregnant people should treat a pregnancy like a fully ensouled, embodied, present human being and therefore respond in specific ways in public/legal/medical situations and not just your own heart and family.

Just like they pretend that there's some magical middle ground that balances the life of the potential child and the life of the mother. As if balancing those does not by it's very nature put the potential life above the pregnant person's life when they do not wish to be pregnant any longer but someone forces them to be.

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In the same "pro-life" state in which cops obliterate innocent Black children for no fucking reason.

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Add to this the Extreme Court's recent assault on the Sixth Amendment and you can see why potenital "criminals" would not want to expose themselves to the Forced-Birth Mafia any more than is absolutely necessary.

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She stopped being the Grey Lady when they put the first color photo on Page One. That was a sad day. The newspaper of record tried to become USA Today to capture the eyes of the Common Man. It's been downhill ever since.

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Once upon a time, we of the broadcast media had the "Fairness Doctrine" breathing down our necks. If we wanted to keep our FCC licenses, we had to give both sides equal time. Sometimes it turned into ridiculous nit-picking, but we'd never have given Trump hours of free media day after broadcast day by airing his campaign rallies as "news."

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Not to be a schmuck....but, after reading Ms. Libresco-Sergeant's Op-Ed....WHY on EARTH would anyone name their "baby" (or their non-viable & consequently reabsorbed tissue) a name which, when spoken, sounds like the English word for a Galapagos REPTILE?

Their subsequent explanation seems to indicate that they really hadn't meant their proto-progeny to sound like a LIZARD....but rather to go through Life with a moniker that is a weird fantasia on the unusual name of an astonishingly remote Saint.

'Cause that's BETTER.

Because the Jeezus peeps don't realize that, thanks to Darwin, we all know chameleons exist, but Saints?? Not so much.

Help me through the keyhole, Grandma dear.....😳

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Glad I went parenthetical.

The woman's life has to be in danger so the options Catholic hospitals and anti-choice jurisdictions 1) do not provide treatment until there is a rupture and the woman's life is in immediate danger or 2) remove the tube and the ovary. Horrible but correct from every case I have read.

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It has happened

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I apologize, I hadn’t realized until I was rightly corrected here that NYT is an equal opportunity both-sides asshole.

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I just watched the movie Philomina, about the Irish girl who had her baby sold to Americans and had to work in the laundry for 4 years to pay back her maternal “care”. Those nuns were vicious bitches! They lied and lied to the women looking for their children and to the adult kids looking for their mothers, long after it mattered. Good movie.

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