Guess which world living is easier in?

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Next on Faux News, UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi wants to know why Meis hasn't been suspended for failing to pepperspray peacefully protesting students.

tyvm Mr. Meis

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I bet gets hate mail from the NRA's more sociopathic gunfuckers.

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These are the people who need to be lauded. The ones who, without regard to their own safety, put their lives on the line to take down the bad guy and make sure he's alive so that we learn why it happened and try to prevent the next one. In the Open Carry fantasy world, you just pump the guy full of lead until dead. Then repeat. No learning. No undertsanding. Just shoot and shoot and shoot some more. Guess which world I want to live in?

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because he is a traitor

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Yeah that was my first thought - FALSE FLAG. BULLSHIT!!!!!111!!!!

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