OK then.

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Because she IS!!!!!!!! https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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Thanks, it seems to be going pretty well so far, I've just started my first 2nd year module (I'm a part time student so each year is split over 2 years). My previous tutor was pretty confident I could end up with a 1st class with honours at the end of it, he was encouraging me to think about going for a Masters afterwards.

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We don't let him decide how we will act. The good humans will help, and he'll take look like an asshole. Again.

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Duck lips and all!

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But of course!!

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Just brush them off.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... So much more than just a filthy asshole and bloodsucking cockroach, don't sell him short just because he votes to let people die.

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You're tellin' me R2D2 is still in Kentucky?

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Why do I feel so clear eyed and like I gotta grab some White bigot who should be enlightened by this history and enlighten them? It must mean I've been Critical Race Theoried. Oh man, knowledge and truth are Dangerous.

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neither the capitalists nor the white Populists had any real capacity to question their own position in the racial caste system. African-Americans knew that an economic answer to the problems of independent farm labor was not enough for they also were stuck in a lower caste.

Written without irony by a man who spent the entirely of 2016 supporting the identity-based Bernie campaign, who brought to the convention the proposal that superdelegates simply dismiss the millions of votes by which he lost because Bernie won the white male vote.

What is this bully doing on Wonkette?

There are so many other places where contempt for "identity politics" (i.e. fundamental human rights about women and an MTG level of self reflection) are available and embraced.

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I just figured those arms were 'shopped. They're massive!

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Good article, Eric. We need more discussion in this country about The Progressive Era in the U.S. from 1880-1920 or thereabouts. I think an article about the history of Girard, KS and the publication of "Appeal to Reason" would be instructive of how thoroughly the powers to be were able to essentially eradicate progressivism in this country. No state is more illustrative of this than Kansas, once the vanguard of radical politics and now a conservative backwater controlled by evangelical atavists.

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We made a terrible mistake in allowing the South to remain quasi independent after the Civil War. It should have been crushed completely.

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There was an SNL skit with Alex Karras and Jim(?) Belushi about White Boy Rap. If I weren't so lazy I'd put up a link.

🎶 We're White Boys and we don't take no crap/When we do our White Boy rap🎶

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Bet me we won't stand for it. We're too poorly armed to do otherwise.

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