KKKari LaKKKe is one very evil person. She is like all Nazi cockroaches. She will scurry around in dark dirty places with all the other roaches and be a pest until somebody takes some political bug spray and gets rid of the menace.
Wayne is the ultimate serial killer middle name. There was a column in the Chicago Reader back in the Nineties -News of the Weird (?) that brought it to my attention. For example: John Wayne Gacy.
A little icing on the cake. The midterms aren't over until after the Georgia runoff, so Garland isn't going to do anything until then. Trump will think his brilliant plan worked when Garland doesn't come after him right away and is going to be shocked as fuck when the DOJ finally steps up.
I've always thought I was too quick to judge people and always work to try to be more tolerant and accepting, but, it's hard when I look at how often those initial, undefined warnings turned out to be spot on.
I'm not saying he's Denzel Washington. I'm saying Warnock, snazzy dresser or no, looks like a minor comic relief character in a Disney cartoon. Walker looks like the Hulk. And, yes, I'm saying that matters. There are some millions of suburban (mostly) white women who, somehow, think Trump is the sexiest man alive. Don't ask me, but it's real.
Some folks fell that way about Walker. Football, apart from all the brain damage, can be sexy.
A visit from stinky 3-shirts Bannon? (If Lake’s “war room” is at a resort, Bannon came for the free booze and smoky links); a call from a puzzled Poppy Trump expressing disbelief? A team of supporters begging Lake not to start “The Little Lie” about the AZ Gov race being stolen? Sounds like a fun time!
P.S., this was one of the races I most wanted to see libs win. Lake is one of the worst, loudest, daffiest examples of Trumpism left. A pathetic remnant of a pathetic era that ended in infamy, and now represents our national shame. Election denying and Trump-loving is a losing proposition in all blue and purple states. Lake belongs with the castoffs on wingnut tv. She’s an “entertainer,” not a civic leader.
KKKari LaKKKe is one very evil person. She is like all Nazi cockroaches. She will scurry around in dark dirty places with all the other roaches and be a pest until somebody takes some political bug spray and gets rid of the menace.
Wayne is the ultimate serial killer middle name. There was a column in the Chicago Reader back in the Nineties -News of the Weird (?) that brought it to my attention. For example: John Wayne Gacy.
You see "square jawed and symmetrical" I see "neck that is same circumference as flat-topped head."
Also, Warnock is a very sharp dresser.
It could be any of those, but it's actually Kevin, according to John Oliver.
"Trumpy" cannot equal "kindly" unless you believe that hypocrisy is not a real thing.
All she is is a fart in the wind.
If you see the sky is orange in your sky, I'm not going to be able to convince you otherwise.
Ugh. Ernest is an old man's name.
You mean untermensch?
A little icing on the cake. The midterms aren't over until after the Georgia runoff, so Garland isn't going to do anything until then. Trump will think his brilliant plan worked when Garland doesn't come after him right away and is going to be shocked as fuck when the DOJ finally steps up.
I've always thought I was too quick to judge people and always work to try to be more tolerant and accepting, but, it's hard when I look at how often those initial, undefined warnings turned out to be spot on.
Doddering? [Splutters] Do you know who his daughter is?
I'm not saying he's Denzel Washington. I'm saying Warnock, snazzy dresser or no, looks like a minor comic relief character in a Disney cartoon. Walker looks like the Hulk. And, yes, I'm saying that matters. There are some millions of suburban (mostly) white women who, somehow, think Trump is the sexiest man alive. Don't ask me, but it's real.
Some folks fell that way about Walker. Football, apart from all the brain damage, can be sexy.
It does explain all those secret children.
A visit from stinky 3-shirts Bannon? (If Lake’s “war room” is at a resort, Bannon came for the free booze and smoky links); a call from a puzzled Poppy Trump expressing disbelief? A team of supporters begging Lake not to start “The Little Lie” about the AZ Gov race being stolen? Sounds like a fun time!
P.S., this was one of the races I most wanted to see libs win. Lake is one of the worst, loudest, daffiest examples of Trumpism left. A pathetic remnant of a pathetic era that ended in infamy, and now represents our national shame. Election denying and Trump-loving is a losing proposition in all blue and purple states. Lake belongs with the castoffs on wingnut tv. She’s an “entertainer,” not a civic leader.
Google: "a name that inspires absolute confidence."