Seriously.People mock Democrats for donating to certain Senate races but none to this lady.

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Republicans don't care if something is wrong so long as it's legal.Often enough they don't even care if it's legal.They definitely don't care if it's legal so long as they think they won't be caught doing it.

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Anyone else read that headline as "There are no pasties"? I thought "Not even with rutabagas in them?"

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The GOP is a pyramid scheme. What else is new?

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Even if they get caught doing something illegal--like inciting an attack on the US Capitol--nothing happens to them anyway. They sure don't get hauled off to jail...

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MBA speaking here: read the goddamn contract!

I live in an area that was devastated by wildfire in 2017. So many people got far less settlement from their insurance company than they could have because they didn't understand their policy. I got a great settlement. I was on the phone with the adjustor daily. "Your offer says X, but on page 19 of the policy, it says Y.

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Pasties are the only time I ever eat rutabagas.

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Nothing says "we're the ones who really care about the blacks" more than scamming them just like they do the poor white people.

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You haven't been paying attention. The demoncrats (I think that's what we're called) made them do it.

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Liz, that was a vicious, brilliant smackdown, and every word was true. I've been tracking Kim Klacik and her nasty colleagues for years:1) Errol Weber (a huckster who switches up the CA seats he's lying about running for so he can keep fundraising; he's currently pretending to run for governor after losing CA-37 to Karen Bass by a 70-point margin; he never had a shot); 2) DeAnna Lorraine (similar CA grift vs. Pelosi in CA-12 until she got thrown off of Twitter, but grabbed the brass ring at Newmax);3) Joey "Salads" Saladino (best known for pissing in his own mouth [I'm dead ass], NY-11, not even a showing in the general);4) Buzz Patterson (doing that military grift in NC-7);5) Omar Navarro (Maxine Waters tore him a new asshole in the non-partisan CA-43 primary and he didn't even make it onto Ballotpedia's tally for the general).

Vocal Twitter hatemongers all, these assholes don't even bother to complete their campaign websites; the only thing that works or is coherent is the donor link and page. So tough shit if their grifting faciliator's cut is massive; that's still a couple of million dollars they stole off of MAGA rubes for a seat they never wanted or intended to win.

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It's the ridiculous primaries that are killing 'Merkin democracy.

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Fractal Parasitism.

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hey that summer house isn't going to buy itself. Priorities, man!

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I KNOW!!!!!

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