Hey! It's my generation, too. I just wasn't born rich enough to prevent this.

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The PH is the last medal that any soldier wants. We used to call it the "Forgot to Duck" medal.I flushed my medals down the toilet just before I burned my uniforms the day I got home.

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That's actually not true. He did order a bailout. He bailed out once and ditched once Ditching is a complex procedure. Your statement is pretty much a bumper sticker. Lt Bush later on stated he regretted that he didn't make the bailout decision earlier. Having just under 8000 hours as a crewmember aboard a Naval Aircraft, I can assure you that what goes on in a smoke filled aircraft that has just suffered a devastating hit is a LOT more complicated. https://whowhatwhy.org/2014...

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How about your bottom? Give details! These perverts love details.

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And doesn't pay a penny in taxes because everything's in the church's name.

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I think that has happened before. War of 1812? Admiral Perry.

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Speaking as a veteran, I would like to say that Trump is wrong - I NEVER bared my soul.

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Do you pitch manure with your manure fork? If so, it counts.

And, just to be slightly pissy, don't wash it off before converting it into a pitchfork.

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I take my cue from Paul (the alien, not the sexually repressed closet case). When someone says Merry Christmas, I say, "Yeah, whatever."

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The Rugburns have a song called "I Hate Fucking Christmas." It's quite moving.

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Are you including the wealthy in the definition of tax exempt organizations?

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Absolutely, get rid of all their phoney baloney loopholes and make them pay a reasonable amount on ALL their income. When I was maybe about middle school or early high school Steve Forbes was running for president on a flat tax platform. One level for "earned" income and lower for "unearned" income. I said that made sense, then my dad said that means all the rich people who don't work and live off their trust fund interest pay less in taxes as a percent than people that work for a living. My dad was not a republican. Or rich, but he did all right. So, all income is taxed at the same rate. Some deductions are okay but no offshore tax havens. And no tax exempt political or religious organizations. Actually, get rid of Citizens United and get the money out of politics completely, that would change things right fast.And since we are fixing everything, did you know that all those super rich cabinet people who actually DID divest from their stocks don't have to pay tax on that income? Screw that!

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♫ For still our ancient foeDoth seek to work us woe;His craft and power are great,And, armed with cruel hate,On earth is not his equal. ♫

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Well, you're distracted.

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Yeah, this was the best I could do.

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I thought Betsy DeVos said that to school kids.

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