But guns ARE exciting! Why else would every other tv show cut to CLOSE-UP when someone picks up a gun? Why else would so many tv shows involve teh shooty-tooting? Bang-Bang = Drama!

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Does that take the red color from necks?

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great. now i WANT to listen to morrissey.

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Silly Libs. The entire wingnut version of the Constitution is the 2nd amendment. Just like the entire wingnut bible is that they can hate fags.

Get a clue.

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Mental health checks will certainly cut into the Republicans' demographics.

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Somewhat OT but, I saw this sign on a house in St Louis "No Trespassing - Castle Doctrine Strictly Enforced".

Written, naturally, in that strange mix of upper and lower case lettering normally found on wingnut signs.

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Politicians will now wait to see if Malloy gets incinerated by the NRA's hate machine. If he survives and is re-elected, that will be a huge wake-up call for chickenshit legislators. And the NRA knows this, which is why Malloy can look forward to the smear campaign from hell.

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<i>"...magnet on our refrigerator..."</i>

According to the <a href="http:\/\/politicalcorrection.org\/blog\/201108180008" target="_blank">Heritage Foundation</a>, that makes you wealthy or something.<blockquote>The poor have it good, Heritage insists, because they own refrigerators...</blockquote>

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How did you make superscript for footnote?

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Hang out by the curb and wait for UPS to leave their sweet, sweet amazon lucre on the street. Then it's finders-keepers doctrine.

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alt-0185 ¹ alt-0178 ² alt-0179 ³

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