Locker Room Towel Fight: The Blinding of Harry Driscoll

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Er, no.

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November 2020 won’t do you any good. It’s January 2021. And just the other day I asked Siri how long it was till then, 21 months. 😫 Gee maybe trying to remove Trump would’ve been a good idea. Even if it only encouraged those around him to up their effort to contain his lunacy. But Nancy said nah.

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Every couple days my frustration and loathing for Trump boils up into this exact feeling. He’s so fucking unhealthy, why can’t he just stroke out now. He’s going to stroke out within the next like five years anyway. Come on karma! Or snort too much Adderall and have a heart attack. Hell he could just have a really severe heart attack and not die. But be obviously too sick, like can’t get out of bed without assistance, that he would have to resign. Oh great now I’ve got that scenario to yearn for.

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He also doesn't understand Fair Use parody - nor that St Ronnie Raygun repealed the Fairness Doctrine which would have maybe remediated his complaints about 'one-sided' reports a little (but maybe not, because it likely would have prevented Faux from ever presenting their Old People Angry Hour as 'news' in the first place).

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The unnecessary apostrophe is even worse than your father's horrible record as a pilot and senator.


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'cause she's smart.

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"Coward sends his daughter out to defend him!!1!1!!11 LOSER!1!"

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"Executive time" is ALL the time, apparently.

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Trump, like all conservatives, only "believes" whatever supports his own position in the moment. He'll fight like a rabid howler monkey for "freedom of the press!!!!" the instant he thinks it will benefit him.

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Talk about "punching down"...

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I'd say that makes you a SUPERIOR American. Normies can suck it.

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Lies! Milo Minderbinder made out like a bandit! (for a while at least)

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Oh, I'm sure he is equipped with the basic "guy getting hit in the nuts is HILARIOUS" sense of humor protocol.

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And also because it is probably WAAAAY too close to the truth much of the time.

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Insulting the Jooz is only bad when it's done by a Muslim lady who doesn't know her place, if you get my drift.

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