They were the original Mexicans in the Pacific Northwest, they were expected to only go into service industries like dry cleaning, restaurants and the like at first, but after a while the white folks banned Chinese from towns, counties and even states.

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I've been busy working, but had to chime in. Those assholes at citibank student, and others can go fuck themselves. I'm glad to owe shit now only to the feds, god knows what would have happened to me if I didn't (probably some sort of profitable felony) I can't imagine how nice it must be now to borrow for college at only slightly higher than fed window rates, rather than pre-paid credit card rates.

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well but i'm still a sucker for him (tennant, not davies)

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Apparently Mrs. Bachman never head of "Royal" colonies - state-sponsored for-profit enterprises. Take, for example, Maryland. Please.

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I had no idea Americans were unique on this earth in wanting a better life for our children than we had.

Speaking of our children - to quote Groucho Marx "Posterity? What has posterity done for us lately?"

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I dunno, what about "Seagull McShitsicle hanging from our history's eaves"

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<i>“But we also know that the very founders who wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States."</i>

"Watch out! Zombie Thomas Jefferson is coming to emancipate his great-great grandchildren!"

-Robert E. Lee

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Is anyone else as tired of I am of the lie about Mr. Obama's government "taking over" student loans in America?

Mrs. Bachman said "Your government new competely runs the student loan 'industry.'"

First of all, I'm not sure it's supposed to be an "industry." Second, Mr. Obama's Administration ended Federally-funded student loan guarantees. This is projected to save some $68 Billion, which will go to fund larger Pell grants (not loans -grants) and more of them.

Private industry may continue to make student loans, in conformance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. They just can't expect a Federal government hand-out for doing so.

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FnF: You'll need to come up with a term to mirror "Framers" for this to have a chance.

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If we're a "self-correcting" country why do these right wing gasbags have to keep running around telling us everything that's wrong with it?

Why don't they just step back and let the system work?

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When she hit the part about the dark thunderclouds of debt becoming icebergs the ship (of state) was heading straight for I thought to myself "And to think - she actually wrote this all down first!"

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i heard some egghead muckedy muck physicist on 'fresh air' today talking about science and 'parallel universes'.

but he said you COULDN'T cross between worlds...

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This promises to make Bobby Jindal's response a masterpiece of rhetoric.

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Perhaps she read that Newt Gingrich book "To Save America" and confused it with a factual historical account.

I'm not writing about one of his terrible "novels" such as "Valley Forge" - I'm writing about what he claims is history. It isn't.

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That Sara Benincasa is quite the Michele Bachmann impersonator. I'll bet she could get herself on the House floor and vote some crazy-ass shit.

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