Something I don't know anything about I guess.

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I'm not surprised Van Morrison is demented but I've had to adjust my feelings about E. Clapton. On the other hand, I know almost nothing about Steve Winwood but based on the video of Higher Love, I swear I he's not conservative or mean or deluded. So -- you're right!

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define considerably. :-)

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Hi, how are you? In 3 weeks I'll be in UK and trying to get my friend to go to museums and his favorite, pub hopping. When do you think you'll be in Ramstein area?

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An excellent argument, and I largely agree. I don't want to leave the impression that oppose late-term abortions, which are often necessary in real life. Every situation is unique, though, and I think women and their doctors may want to take the life chances of a viable fetus into consideration as the woman makes her decision. I certainly DON'T think that the government should ever interfere with a woman's decision on her pregnancy.

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Maybe I was unclear. Life certainly DOES begin at conception, because a fertilized ovum is a cluster of cells with the complete genetic makeup of a human organism. That cluster is just as alive as the billions of bacteria in my digestive tract. My argument (and I think it's a valid one) is that the fetus is NOT a baby or human being in any sense of those terms. To assume that it is just obscures the facts of the situation.

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It'a a fun way to get a 'men going their own way' guy triggered: the very idea they would be secretly fed salt petre terrifies.It's a myth, like Spanish Fly, but they don't seem to know that.

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Please review the rules.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Women and doctors already do take viability into consideration. It’s part of basic pregnancy care. It just doesn’t need additional oversight and unfortunately people are mistakenly of the impression that they do need additional oversight. It’s like if people suddenly decide they needed to make a law that made sure all colonoscopies were done using a specific amount of lubrication. Not too much, not too little. Only, in certain states, if they want, they can regulate that they use the absolute minimum (possibly even zero) lubrication, cuz folks got opinions about lubrication.

If there were a regularly occurring practice of women and doctors deciding to abort late term, potentially viable fetuses cuz reasons, it still shouldn’t matter one bit. That’s not our body, not our choice. It’s pre-screening the morality of any given pregnant person’s ability to make decisions about their own body. That’s also how the slippery slope begins. If they can say that women should automatically be considering the viability of a fetus, then they are saying the government has to have oversight that they are following whatever morality and values systems they’ve arbitrarily attached to “personhood” definitions, and then that automatically justifies giving a potentially viable fetus more rights than the person it’s growing inside of.

I know people feel emotionally and morally obligated to speak on behalf of potentially viable fetuses. It’s something the anti-abortionists have used to condition people to accept their motivations as being sound. But, the age of a fetus is irrelevant because the entire issue is secondary to the fact that there is already a person present who is supposed to have equally applied bodily autonomy, regardless of a reproductive state. What, other than a belief in a “soul” (a religious concept) can justify or legally explain why society needs to invest in protecting a potentially viable, unborn fetus? Personhood? To say an unborn fetus is a person requires that the person it’s gestating inside of be seen as less of a person.

Sorry if I come across as angry. It’s not you. It’s my frustration at the “debate” and how it’s just so easily accepted as being a rational one.

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I see. Then I'm going to memorize it for next time.

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More a woman antagonist.

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"And we'll both still keep fighting," says the dimwit traitor.

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Are you WELL over three feet tall?

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that is not what i meant - i would prefer to live my life the way i want to, but i will support other peoples point of view

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Meanwhile, people suffer while they wait for a mother-may-I from the bigoted, greedy masses.

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I'm willing to bet she's never had to cut a check to the IRS in her life. Taxes aren't fucking high enough, and not just the upper class. Neoliberalism has allowed the middle class to freeload off the system for far too long as well.

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