And the winner! of the race to the bottom is:

No one, because it's the fucking bottom.

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So let us hail the guns of war with joy and jubilation, Who favor foolish mankind for they prune the population, Let us thank the hungry guns, forever belching doom, Who slaughter, bloodily, our sons to give us elbow room

Robert W. Service

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Raising the minimum wage is bad for wymminz because then they'll be making more money and guys don't want to marry chicks who make as much as they do.

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Except for the 1%.

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Yes, but you can never leave. Kind of like Hotel Calfornia.

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Yeah, I got just tons of valuable experience in my minimum-wage job washing dishes in a steamy room in the back of a restaurant during long hot summer days back when I was younger.

That and chapped hands.

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This Shafter broad might be on to something. I heard from a <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/547430\/cliven-bundy-has-some-thoughts-about-negroes-hint-they-are-bad-thoughts" target="_blank">free "thinker"</a> recently that once upon a time, all negros were happy because they worked no government-mandated minimum wage (for free, actually) and got all kinds of targeted assistance by means of free food and shelter. Ah, good times, good times. Probably would be a great way for chicks to live too, also.

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These people are starting to make my ass tired.

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<i>Also, Schaeffer insists that there’s no way a minimum wage increase would be good for women.</i>

Understanding cheap-labor conservatives is all so very simple.

Government infrastructure and services are for them, not you. Their infrastructure and services are “natural”, but your infrastructure and services are “unnatural interference”. In other words, they get what they want, you take what they give you – and they never give you very much. Because what they want isn't “wealth”. What they want is power – over you. They want the power to maintain their position in the social hierarchy that government infrastructure and services have helped create.

Maintaining their position means maintaining your position. They want you bargaining with them on their terms, and that means they want you broke, ignorant and scared – and they don’t want “big government” helping you out.

/Oops. Forgot to snark.

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The idea that raising the minimum wage causes higher unemployment is based on the premise that employers are in such a tough spot financially that they'd be better off firing someone who makes $290 a week than actually keeping enough manpower to keep their business running efficiently. I would think the growing size of aggregate profits would render this premise moot.

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Given the opportunity, WalMart would pay 50 cents an hour, and when their now-homeless employees started smelling bad, they'd offer free showers at work (and brag about what a nice perk they were providing to their valued "associates".)

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To the surprise of absolutely nobody, IWF is <a href="http:\/\/www.sourcewatch.org\/index.php\?title=Independent_Women&#039\;s_Forum" target="_blank">yet another Kochroach-funded front. </a>

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Methinks the title of the group is probably a lie. They seem at the very least to be dependent on the wingnut welfare system. Is it a stretch to imagine that the advocate, Schlaflyesque, for women to be dependent on men?

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They don't. That's their model - they're rich or comfortable, so who cares what someone who they'll never know or never meet has to go through.

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It's also based on the assumption that the resources available to customers of businesses which pay minimum wage would not be increased by a minimum wage hike. It seems to me highly likely that they would.

Oh yeah, the idea also depends critically on willful ignorance of the studies observing payrolls at similar businesses near state borders when one state raises its minimum wage. But then, willful ignorance comes naturally, thanks to regular practice, among the crowds that like to advocate against the minimum wage.

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<blockquote>poor people</blockquote>

Well, there's your first misapprehension. These asswipes never consider the poor to be people.

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