Ya know, if Ohio really wants to get into the Winter Sports thing, they go to Michigan.

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You'd be surprised. My mom grew up in a tiny town that was in a swampy, low-lying area next to a lake. They still had a steep hill that, in winter, would get enough snow on it for people to ski down; it wasn't even 200 feet, but it was the local ski slope, complete with fees and mention in local attractions. If people want to ski, they'll find a hill.

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It's true of a ton of clothing, too.

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Named for Indians. Guess how many reservations in IN? Most famous tribe called the Miami, marched off to some swamps in Florida somewhere. Run by the Klan for generations, etc etc

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moi aussi

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A side benefit for the radical righters: adult wages would go down.

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And by refusing to provide children with health care they weed out the weak ones.

It's win-win--if you have no heart, no ethics, no social conscience, and don't like kids.

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His name is really Chip Perfect????? Really? Why did his parents hate him so much? That probably accounts for his unstable politics. And a ski slope in Indiana? I have been to Indiana. There are no slopes. I saw a big mound of tires once. Is that what they mean?

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I grew up farming, and got my first job-job at 15. It wasn’t by choice. My father worked for Reagan’s VA and we were dirt poor. I’ve always felt cheated because of that.

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"Oh, and another thing, since kids are..well..kids, no sorts of minimum wage laws apply, and they're probably already covered by their parent's insurance so no benefits of any kind, so we look forward to exploiting extending a valuable opportunity to them to earn some spending money and learn how not to get mangled by industrial equipment during their formative years!"

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The 'cleaning their own classrooms' thing is an interesting cultural divide. Here it's unconscionable child labor, but in Korea and Japan, it's normal for the students to sweep up, clean the blackboard, etc. Of course, Newt's version was going to be limited to the 'lazy poors', so it was unconscionable, but I just find the contrast interesting.

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Dey gots dem horseless carriages in da big city now, I heah.

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I'm still confused by the fact that there are ski resorts in Indiana.

turns head, looks confused

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I grew up there and had the same thought. Southern Indy has some hilly areas. Maybe he has it on a big hill. That sounds about right for an Indiana ski resort.

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It’s not tidying up classrooms that is an issue. Cleaning a chalk board for a teacher was no big deal.

But that’s not what Newt wants. He wants kids to poorest kids to clean the toilets, as if singling some students out for manual labor won’t stigmatize them with rest of the students

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Peeps like to ski. Many peeps within spitting distance of SE Indiana are not in a position to cough up the bucks to fly to Jackson Hole and stay in a resort. And there you have it.

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