Which cakes do they like?

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I would if he'd stop schilling for ducat dynasty

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Actually if he'd quit being such a ruble and drinking the florinated water he'd probably come around

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... Fox’s Brian Kilmeade asked, “How do you feel about people who say you are targeting poor people?”

"The law, in its infinite wisdom, prevents rich and poor alike from stealing bread and sleeping under bridges" - Anatole France

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This is the modern GNoP's view of poverty -

The poors aren't really poor - they have refrigerators and telephones and people in other countries really have it rough.

The poors aren't ashamed enough - people on welfare use to be embarrassed about it.

And if the poors are poor it's there own damn fault - shiftless, lazy, and addicted to government handouts.

Dr. Ben Carson is a prime example - "welfare" was fine when he was a kid and needed it. Now that he's an adult - it's a disgrace.

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I was thinking the same thing. As soon as I saw the pic, I said to myself, "That's a repub. Look at the smirk."

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Why do the repubs want to turn this country into some kind of blighted hellscape? I don't get what's in it for them.

Let's pretend there are 10 people in the world. One owns the only store, controls 100% of the food supply, and rules. Two have adequate jobs that they are afraid to leave. The other seven have inadequate jobs or no jobs and are entirely dependent on the money guy, and whatever alms the 2 workers donate to the pot. Who, besides the 2 guys, can buy the products the money guy makes? So how does he stay the money guy? and once he's gone broke, what does he think is going to happen? does he think the poor and the 2 workers are going to help him out?

I think what's going to happen is they're going to hang him upside down by his balls, move into his house, and divide up all his goods among themselves. But, that's just because that's what I would do.

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What about trapping Governors for their pelts? Some lucky poor will look great at his next ennobling job interview!

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As the saying goes, give a man fire and he'll be warm. Set a man on fire and he'll burn for the rest of his life.

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"Teach a man to fish."

That implies you're going to be doing something for them, like, say, TEACHING THEM SOMETHING USEFUL.

Fuck you Pence. Even your fig leaf of sophistry was stolen from that vagrant poor-person, Jesus. You just can't help yourself, can you?

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We all know what happened to Marie Antoinette. Votes were not involved.

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Is it ennobling to collect a paycheck for being a useless bump on a log, which describes Mike Pence's political career from 2000 to present?

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You really can't help them to find jobs because that would kill their self-esteem. Yes, it's true "If you teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime" but, "if you show him where the lake is, well what the hell, should I just chew the damn fish for you while I'm at it".

Some would argue that building a program to help the poor find jobs is the "teaching" part of the parable, but they are wrong. If you send the poor out to find a job in a sparse job market, then it really is like fishing. There they are just sitting around all day waiting for a bite, but nope, nothing on the line today. They go out again the next day and maybe get a little nibble or something so small they have to throw it back. It goes on like this day after day until they maybe finally catch something ...or not. Gee I hope they're not so poor they can't buy liquor, because that's the only thing that gets me through a fishing trip.

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Of course he could bring back something like Roosevelt’s WPA but that’s just some of that evil socialism stuff and it would involve the Governor getting off of his ass and doing something other than complaining and pandering.

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Lazy whiners. Why can't they just borrow from Dad and start their own businesses?

-- M. Romney

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The Mayflower.

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