Surely by now they realize the whole "we have an airtight case case so you'd better confess and get a lesser charge" thing is flawed. First, if the cops were really that sure of their case, they wouldn't need to pressure the suspect for a confesson. Suspects should realize they are being played. Second, if someone is innocent but the cops tell them they have all this evidence and prison is a sure thing, wouldn't a rational person take the deal whether they were guilty or not, just to avoid the (fictional) guaranteed harsher sentence they think a trial would bring? False confessions seem to be rampant.

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<blockquote>a “lying is OK, but too much lying is not OK” standard</blockquote>

Explains a lot about the financial elites, corporate marketing and Congress too...

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There's something I'd like to confess to Sharon Stone.

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It's worth repeating: a certain percentile of law enforcement officers are nothing more than gym teachers issued a weapon and the authority to use deadly force.

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In conclusion, I don't care WHAT those idiots on Law&Order do, DON'T FOR FUCKSAKES TALK TO THE COPS WITHOUT YOUR LAWYER. That always pisses me off.

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Tasers also, too.

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Meanwhile, our own PA Supremes ruled recently that cops do need no stinking warrant to search your vehicle, as long as the cop has a really solid hunch. Look for the Roberts court to sort this all out on the prosecution's side next year.

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<i> fucking Goldilocks</i>

Challenge accepted.

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