The Bibble is such a vague, flexible and contradictory document that one can twist it or cherry pick it to mean anything they want to mean. It's pretty much the same with every religion's book.
They used to run most of the world by the sword. Back then people had to respect their beliefs because you know... the sword. Society have pulled their claws, but old habits die hard I guess.
The problem is that it isn't one book. It's a whole collection of books of different kinds. It's like if we bundled five volumes of federal law books, three biographies of famous rulers, eight history books of varying accuracy, some poetry (including one erotic one), a couple of books of religious exhortations, a package of dubiously selected correspondence, and one long rant by an acidhead, and told future generations it was all one book. Separately they make sense, together they're a mess. That's why context is so important in reading it - picking out this or that to either justify or disparage it is simplistic and biased. There's just too much in the fucking thing to treat it that way and be taken seriously.
Religion is man made, no question about that. And MAN made, not human made. At least the Abrahamic religions. The problem for me is, once you allow that religion is truth, then you have to allow that any version of religion could be the one true path to follow. Maybe God does want you to deny medical care to your children, or worse, beat them to teach them, or drown them in a bathtub to save them. Or fly planes into buildings at 500 mph while shouting God is Great.
And as for your statement elsewhere in this thread that religious people helped to end slavery, there is nothing in the bible saying slavery is wrong. In fact God required slavery of his chosen people quite a bit, with the Israelite's being on both sides of it. The Confederates were quite sure they had God on their side, with the scripture to back them up.
What, apart from mere scale, is the difference between beating a kid and bringing the possibly lethal police power of the state against someone? Doesn't that also teach people "you can hurt whomever you want, as long as you're bigger (or have better armed people behind you)?
Driving along the Southern Coast yesterday I saw a sign for the "religious freedom tour," wonder if it involves a deportation force and sin absolving gauntlet?
While I DO feel sympathy for this child and I'm not a large fan of small humans (Peter Dinklage an exception), perhaps it's a good idea for this to be a successful defense for her actions. Another log on the pyre bringing these Sky Fairy cults in the cleansing light of sanity.
My mom beat me when I was a wee child and let me tell you that to this day I flinch if she makes a sudden move towards me. That said, I don't think I got fucked up because of it. BUT that was the 80s and you could beat ur kids for fun pretty much back then and no one really cared. SO idk abt disciplining ur kids bc I ain't got none, but don't use ur religion to justify that u got a little slap happy and done beat ur kid half to death with a WIRE HANGER! JFC would NOT approve
I intervened when a woman was beating her small kid in a grocery store. I mean, she was really letting him have it. I told her to quit or I was calling the cops. She yelled and cursed, but left. I just hate to think of that kid's home life.
My wife, who is German, has real trouble getting the whole laws-are-different-in-every-state concept. "What do you mean there aren't national election laws?!"
Ehrman also maintains that the Bible is a deeply human work. He graduated as a born-again Christian from Moody Bible Institute (Bible is our middle name), got his advanced degrees at Princeton, and over 30 some years of scholarship lost his faith, but became one of the top biblical scholars.
The Bibble is such a vague, flexible and contradictory document that one can twist it or cherry pick it to mean anything they want to mean. It's pretty much the same with every religion's book.
Not just Islamic ones...
They used to run most of the world by the sword. Back then people had to respect their beliefs because you know... the sword. Society have pulled their claws, but old habits die hard I guess.
The problem is that it isn't one book. It's a whole collection of books of different kinds. It's like if we bundled five volumes of federal law books, three biographies of famous rulers, eight history books of varying accuracy, some poetry (including one erotic one), a couple of books of religious exhortations, a package of dubiously selected correspondence, and one long rant by an acidhead, and told future generations it was all one book. Separately they make sense, together they're a mess. That's why context is so important in reading it - picking out this or that to either justify or disparage it is simplistic and biased. There's just too much in the fucking thing to treat it that way and be taken seriously.
Religion is man made, no question about that. And MAN made, not human made. At least the Abrahamic religions. The problem for me is, once you allow that religion is truth, then you have to allow that any version of religion could be the one true path to follow. Maybe God does want you to deny medical care to your children, or worse, beat them to teach them, or drown them in a bathtub to save them. Or fly planes into buildings at 500 mph while shouting God is Great.
And as for your statement elsewhere in this thread that religious people helped to end slavery, there is nothing in the bible saying slavery is wrong. In fact God required slavery of his chosen people quite a bit, with the Israelite's being on both sides of it. The Confederates were quite sure they had God on their side, with the scripture to back them up.
No. You take the children to the emergency room and get help for both of them.
What, apart from mere scale, is the difference between beating a kid and bringing the possibly lethal police power of the state against someone? Doesn't that also teach people "you can hurt whomever you want, as long as you're bigger (or have better armed people behind you)?
Driving along the Southern Coast yesterday I saw a sign for the "religious freedom tour," wonder if it involves a deportation force and sin absolving gauntlet?
Since I've not seen it below, I'm going to go with...."What part of No Wire Hangers Did This Kid Not Understand?"
While I DO feel sympathy for this child and I'm not a large fan of small humans (Peter Dinklage an exception), perhaps it's a good idea for this to be a successful defense for her actions. Another log on the pyre bringing these Sky Fairy cults in the cleansing light of sanity.
My mom beat me when I was a wee child and let me tell you that to this day I flinch if she makes a sudden move towards me. That said, I don't think I got fucked up because of it. BUT that was the 80s and you could beat ur kids for fun pretty much back then and no one really cared. SO idk abt disciplining ur kids bc I ain't got none, but don't use ur religion to justify that u got a little slap happy and done beat ur kid half to death with a WIRE HANGER! JFC would NOT approve
I intervened when a woman was beating her small kid in a grocery store. I mean, she was really letting him have it. I told her to quit or I was calling the cops. She yelled and cursed, but left. I just hate to think of that kid's home life.
My wife, who is German, has real trouble getting the whole laws-are-different-in-every-state concept. "What do you mean there aren't national election laws?!"
You can. But they'll be outnumbered.
Ehrman also maintains that the Bible is a deeply human work. He graduated as a born-again Christian from Moody Bible Institute (Bible is our middle name), got his advanced degrees at Princeton, and over 30 some years of scholarship lost his faith, but became one of the top biblical scholars.
That silly billy old Paul.