Is this all part of the Republicans laser-like focus on jobs or does that only apply at the national level?

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Forced Breeding!!!

Truth! Justice! And the Wingnut Way!!!!

<i>Cue Superman theme</i>

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TD: And most of 'em are against gay marriage - but those gay folks just about never get an abortion...

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They didn't plug that loophole, they rammed it down the loophole's throat.

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I'm not so sure some of Santorum's people <i>weren't</i> produced by pigfucking.

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Also why Social Security is "failing".

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This is why women go to the ladies room in packs. Have you SEEN those places? There's even a couch! In the men's room, we're lucky if we get SEATS!

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Yes, you are in excess...

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I remember thinking before the 2010 midterm elections "If the Republicans win, they're going to put forward so many nutty right-wing policies that no one will want to vote for them in 2012."

Thank you for being predictable, Grand Old Poopheads.

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At least guys tend to have more heart attacks, and at a younger age. I heard you could make a thousand bucks per, doing that. Easy money!

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Especially if the 'alleged' rapist plays college or professional sports.

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But in all fairness, when Rep Lawson said the 6 year old, 18 month old and 97 year old victims weren't lying about being raped, they can't get pregnant anyway. So Rep. Turner's amendment wouldn't affect them. Plus, as I'm sure he knows, the young ones don't vote anyway so he doesn't have to worry about their opinion.

The unfortunate truth behind all this Repubican anti-abortion, anti-union, pro-business activity is that they won the last election cycle. Big time. <strong>Demoncrats stayed home</strong>, and Repubicans put some honeypots on some ballots to attract their most extreme supporters -- like, state referendums on right to bear arms, anti-Health Reform questions, and so forth. I think these non-jobs, non-moderate, non-middle-class measures can be repealed if Demoncrats show the fuck up at the polls.

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OK, some women might die from pregnancy complications or have so little chance of recovering from PTSD, now that they had to carry the rapist's fetus for nine months and give birth to it, that they are suicidal. But if that prevents JUST ONE ABORTION, it's worth all those women dying or living in misery, right? Right?

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This is the age that future reformers will look to when they need a counter-example to moral behavior.

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And a Kindle filled with right-wing books...can start 'em too young you know. If reading is a problem, the Kindle will play books on tape.

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WHAT! We can't say "blowjob" on wonkette anymore? Well that sucks.

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