What does Maine Gov. Lepage say about this? I mean, when all their young white girls are being impregnated by black interstate drug dealers. . .

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sue hell, i'm right there with you. the dems are proving to be only slightly less evil than the repubs.

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I can't read this, I'll get too angry.

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i'm sorry, if it can't live on it's own, it is not life. it is a group of organs grown inside another. as long as there have been humans, there has been abortion, and it will be with us as long as we continue to exist. just because your personal religion says it is wrong, doesn't make it so. no one has the right to impose their religious beliefs, or rules upon anyone in this country, with a constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion. if you don't want the rules of the hare krishna religion forced upon you, stop seeking to enforce the rules of christianity on others.

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It's the same where I live - Missouri. 40 years ago Missouri was not a bad place to live, and I suspect Indiana was the same, but that's when we had a Democratic Legislature who respected the Constitution and passed laws because they benefited everyone, not just rich white people and the NRA. Today Missouri has a Republican legislature and it's like living on a different planet.

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I've been volunteering at Planned Parenthood for 20 years, and the only time I encountered a "race-selective" abortion was with a 15-yr-old white girl whose parents wanted her to have an abortion because the father was black. The parents didn't actually say this, but it was obvious. This was 18 years ago.

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A man wrote that. Even as a little girl in Catechism class I knew that men didn't have the right to make rules for women without the women's consent, and I never gave my consent.

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By shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics and forcing women to go somewhere else where they ask nosy questions that are none of their business.

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This is not about logical arguments, this is about male domination. As Gloria Steinem said, "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."

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We just need more women in the state legislatures and in Congress. A lot more.

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I don't see why there should be any limits on abortion. Men can have sex any time they want without having to cope with unwanted pregnancy, so why shouldn't women? No form of birth control is 100% guaranteed.

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Nobody ever talks about the millions of fertilized eggs sitting in freezers waiting to become babies that are not used and are disposed of, or which are used but fail to develop. That's because the whole idea behind anti-abortion legislation is to dominate and control women, it really has nothing to do with the babies,

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This is a nice idea, but it doesn't work for four reasons: 1) spontaneous sex and 2) stupidity and 3) there is no such thing as 100% safe contraception - some women can't use it for various medical reasons and 4) no form of birth control is 100% guaranteed.

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As far as I am concerned, the mother's rights should always come first because it is not a baby until it can live independently - until then it is a parasite living off the mother's body. The problem is that modern medicine can keep very premature babies alive today that would have died 30 years ago, so the line for "living independently" keeps shifting.

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There is a widespread conspiracy theory floating around that a small group of rich white men who run the planet have plans to reduce the human population to about 100 million people or so, because they don't think more than that are needed. Those people will be their slaves, growing their food and repairing their cars and cleaning their pools, etc. I personally think this theory is bullshit, but I have friends who are devout followers of it.

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Me neither. I was 16 when abortion was legalized. I never needed one, but I felt empowered knowing I had the right to have one. I often thought of my grandmother, who had 14 babies in 24 years, starting at age 14, and it killed her. I would never have believed back then that the US would regress so much in my lifetime. It horrifies me.

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