Are you sure? My dad's family lived there a long time . . .

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Has anyone in any one of the tornado-smitten states ever taken the time to thank Jeebus for straightening them out with a good storm whack? I don't know why not. They always seem to thank him for saving them and never for killing some of their neighbors and family by sending in that blessed F4.

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My lady friend prefers the head-between-the-knees method -- usually my head.

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It can't be a corporation unless it gives money to a lawmaker first.

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The number was 3.2, an even worse option, mathematically speaking.cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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How bout they outlaw gravity?

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Jeebus Lord is that some sort of number of the beast type thing or what?

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But maybe he wasn't actually a Hoosier. Hoosier was originally an adjective meaning "smelling of hog feces".

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Dr. George is just trying to get in on the "Jesus Shot" business Dr. Mike (OKC) has.

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I have to ask... are we sure that this "doctor" had the permission of the women involved before experimenting on them?

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This is so stupid, obviously, but bear with me here...

Mifepristone binds to progesterone receptors twice as tightly as progesterone itself and you could shoot yourself in the butt (good luck) with a quart of progesterone and nothing would happen. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, but the progesterone that allowed pregnancy is still there, just not doing anything; it's blocked. Waiting until the Mifepristone metabolizes and disappears and allows progesterone to move back to the receptors would take the pregnancy process right back to where it was before Mifepristone. Hence drug 2 to finish the process while Mifepristone is still active.

Short and simple, if you wait a few days, the abortion process just stops, gestation resumes and women who have, for whatever reason, not taken the second drug, remain pregnant 30-50% of the time.

That's not what I'd call a good "success" rate, so clearly Mifepristone causes extensive damage most of the time.

This Doctor Idiot has gotten nowhere in 5 years with his Doctor Idiot crap idea and if he had any ethics, he would know there's nothing to it beyond messing up a woman's hormones so badly by jacking progesterone (after Mifepristone is metabolized) to levels twice that used in IVF, the outcome could be anything.

Anyone confused enough to see this Doctor Idiot and isn't successful should stick him in the ass daily for two weeks with the giant needle used for progesterone, it's the size of a nail and really hurts.

Beyond all the turmoil this causes, the doubt, etc., if a woman regrets an abortion and a child is what you want, try again! It's her choice!

Indiana still has to get this through the senate, maybe they'll kill it.

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I Verify.

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Oh they have all the self respect they can poke a stick at, it`s respect for the wimminfolk that is lacking.

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An idea from 1948.

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My protest sign on this says "The government should keep its nose out of my crotch." Works for a variety of issues.

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