Is there anyone more full of shit than a Men's Rights Activist?

"What about the men?""Good point; look what those cops did to that POC guy.""Meh. What about the men?""Good point; look what those gay bashers did to that gay guy.""Meh. What about the men?""Good point; that guy in the turban got pushed off the sidewalk and called a terrorist.""Meh. What about the men?""Good point; did you hear about the disabled guy who lost his job because...""Meh. What about the men?""Good point; the homeless veterans...""Meh. What about the men?""Good point; that immigrant guy who speaks broken English...""LISTEN, WHAT ABOUT THE STRAIGHT, WHITE, ABLE-BODIED, MIDDLE-CLASS, CHRISTIAN MEN!!"

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Yeah, but we're talking about the guy who spent $130K for two fucks.

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OK, does anybody know how to make a GIF of that guy dancing?Because that is the GIF that we all need.

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I'd like to know exactly why he did it. The judge is overseeing the Deutsche Bank/Epstein lawsuit. What happened to this guy in Russia?

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In a pinch, you can always drop a piano on someone.

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I've tried talking to a couple of MRA's online, being polite and asking genuine questions. They play the victim card so hard it's baffling - yeah ladies nights give discounts to women so they are more likely to go to a bar, and then more men will go in the hopes of getting lucky and the bar makes money, not hard to work out. Yes men fought in WW1 and WW2 and women didn't but guess what it was because they weren't allowed to (they still did some awesome spywork among lots of other things and kept the munitions factories going. I do agree that the draft these days should be equal though). No women aren't attracted to you because they want "chads", it's because you don't talk to them and obviously are resentful of women and we can tell it a mile off. Weird how MRA's quite often kill more men than women....

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Winner winner chicken dinner. Nazi kkk douchebags like to share the same beds.

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I don't care why he did it. It's not important. My thoughts are totally with the family he has torn apart

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Don't forget that Uncle Slaphead's other pillar of power is organised crime.

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There would be no etymological root, for one thing.

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Like, a guy living in a box under the underpass?

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I take your point about the impact on the family. But it really is important, as it could potentially be evidence of Russian infiltration and corruption.

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As a straight man who's not really all that attractive, I was surprised when a gay man at a bar asked me out. I basically said thank you, but no thanks as I'm not gay.

One other thing about me is that I'm really not a touchy-feely kind, but occaisionly when I am seeing musicians play, I'll talk to them afterwards, and they will give me a hug, no matter their gender or preference. Ultmately it doesn't bother me.

But what does bother me more is if someone kisses me, again no matter what gender or preference. But I accept it in these cases because these are famous musicians whom I respect a lot being nice.If I was out somewhere and some random person came up and did this, I would not like that - even if is was someone I felt was attractive.

And then there was the time I saw Jayne County live (and I had years earlier seen Wayne County live). We talked for awhile and then as I was leaving a huge kiss was planted on my lips. Again, I'm not touchy-feely, but this did not really bother me. I felt it was an honour being kissed by Jayne County!

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Supposedly, there were two cases running at the same time on the women/draft issue, one in the Northeast, and one in Texas. The case Judge Salas was running kept getting delayed, while the one in Texas did not. The lawyer in the Texas case got a precedent setting "win", thereby robbing Hollander, in his twisted mind, of his "win", and it was clearly Judge Salas' fault and she had to pay.

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